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Altitudes picklist

Michael Sartori
Michael Sartori
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is there a possibility to edit and save this list by the users or at least to add 500ft-steps to the picklist of cruising-altitudes? in VFR flying the usual cruising altitudes are 3500, 4500, 5500 …. according to the “Hemispherical Cruising Rule”, defined by even or odd thousands plus 500  depending on the magnetic courses; so it would be useful, to have the 500‘s steps in the picklist

Edited 5/23/2021 9:28:30 PM by Michael Sartori
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Hi Michael, you can type any altitude (or flight level) you like into the box at the top. The list is designed to help you quickly choose an altitude in whole thousands of feet. We could add the five-hundreds as well, but then of course the list would be twice as long, which would be a disadvantage.
Michael Sartori
Michael Sartori
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Tim Dawson - 5/24/2021 9:30:35 AM
Hi Michael, you can type any altitude (or flight level) you like into the box at the top. The list is designed to help you quickly choose an altitude in whole thousands of feet. We could add the five-hundreds as well, but then of course the list would be twice as long, which would be a disadvantage.

I’m familiar with the Option of typing any value on top; I use SD mostly with my IPAD und for me a picklist feels more comfortable; and yes, a list twice as long would be a disadvantage; I‘m using SD for VFR flying, so I‘d prefer the list with the x500 values

suggestions for a solution 
1) list with two columns? 
1000       1500
2000       2500

2) different lists depending on the preselection of flight rules 
in case of VFR 1500, 2500, 3500  etc.
in case of IFR or MIXED: 1000, 2000, 3000 …

for some more Arguments see also 

Edited 5/24/2021 6:13:15 PM by Michael Sartori
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Posts: 23, Visits: 7
Definately a very good idea.

Also a bit disappointing was, when I only modified one digit (i.e. 8000 -> 8500) the number was not accepted.
I always had to retype the complete number.

Michael Sartori
Michael Sartori
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RainerM - 4/5/2022 7:13:54 PM
Definately a very good idea.

Also a bit disappointing was, when I only modified one digit (i.e. 8000 -> 8500) the number was not accepted.
I always had to retype the complete number.

it‘s realized in the current version as mentioned above 
in case of preselection VFR you get 1500, 2500, 3500 etc.
in case of preselection IFR: 1000, 2000, 3000 …
in case of preselection MIXED: 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 …
quite comfortable now


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