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Labels for LFSB (Basle) T-sectors (and maybe others..? )

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Is there a way to add the frequency 134.680 (Bale Info tape) to the map and label TMA LFSB T1 HX, TMA LFSB T2 HX and TMA LFSB T3 HX?
With the current view, all sectors are labeled as TMA Basle, but some of them are HX and it would be very helpfull to know which one is which because they are not all active at the same time.
It's normal practice to listen to the tape on 134.680 to know if they are active or not and then ask for clearance on 130.900 if they are.
The frequency 134.680 is missing in SD when clicking on the TMA T1 HX or TMA T3 HX.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We're going to look into this and I'll let you know.
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Thanks for adding the frequency 134.680 to the Bale TMA.

Is there any update on the TMA / CTR labels already?
I've realized that there is the same issue for other locations like for example the Zürich CTR LSZH2 HX, because it is just labeled just as CTR LSZH without number and HX.
In general, it would be helpfull if all the CTRs and TMAs would be labeled with their numbers, because then we can tell the controller through which TMA or CTR we need a crossing and where we'll stay clear off.

Edited 5/20/2021 12:42:33 AM by manitou-project
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I will ask my colleague about the status of this. I know we added some numbers to the names, can you not see them in the What's Here menu?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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So we've added (HX) to the labels where appropriate but this will only take effect in the next update to SkyDemon. The numbers of the sectors are visible in the What's Here menu at the moment (or at least they should be, please confirm). The frequencies have also already been updated.

The CTR for Bale is merged for clarity in SkyDemon data so we cannot currently add different labels to different parts of it.
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Hi Tim 
Regarding these TMA's i've noticed quite a severe bug: the TMA's are not visible on the Swiss Map unless the French Map is installed as well! I was flying in that region today and on my new Tablet i had only the swiss map installed and those sectors where missing. 

I understand the difficulty with this airport being at home in two countries, but from a user standpoint, all airspaces that are a factor for operating an aircraft in a given country should be visible if the map of said country is installed. 

it is easy to reproduce, as the sectors will become visible if the french maps are ninstalled and they will disappear when the french plates are removed. Please migrate or Copy those sectors to the swiss map, I almost violated this airspace today because it did not show on the map. Luckily i did the planning on a different device where the French map was installed, so i noticed there was something missing, so no harm done Wink 

Here is an exmaple with both French and Swiss  maps installed: 

and here ian example without the french maps: 


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Hi Tim 
Regarding these TMA's i've noticed quite a severe bug: the TMA's are not visible on the Swiss Map unless the French Map is installed as well! I was flying in that region today and on my new Tablet i had only the swiss map installed and those sectors where missing. 

I understand the difficulty with this airport being at home in two countries, but from a user standpoint, all airspaces that are a factor for operating an aircraft in a given country should be visible if the map of said country is installed. 

it is easy to reproduce, as the sectors will become visible if the french maps are ninstalled and they will disappear when the french plates are removed. Please migrate or Copy those sectors to the swiss map, I almost violated this airspace today because it did not show on the map. Luckily i did the planning on a different device where the French map was installed, so i noticed there was something missing, so no harm done Wink 

Here is an exmaple with both French and Swiss  maps installed: 

and here ian example without the french maps: 


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That's one thing I appreciate in SD is that the maps are included, so when I go near the edge of a country, I make sure to have all nearby maps installed.  Besides inconveniencing a few electrons, it doesn't cost anything (assuming you have the space in your device).  Flying in a small (and beautiful!) country like CH we're always next to a border, and could need to divert or at least be aware of what's happening nearby.

Pascal, are you not installing France maps due to space limitations on your device?  Just curious.

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rv8ch - 9/3/2022 7:21:07 AM
That's one thing I appreciate in SD is that the maps are included, so when I go near the edge of a country, I make sure to have all nearby maps installed.  Besides inconveniencing a few electrons, it doesn't cost anything (assuming you have the space in your device).  Flying in a small (and beautiful!) country like CH we're always next to a border, and could need to divert or at least be aware of what's happening nearby.

Pascal, are you not installing France maps due to space limitations on your device?  Just curious.

i tend to install countries as soon as plan to fly into their airspace.. but this was a brand new tablet in a new (to me) airplane and that was my very first flight with it, so i had only installed switzerland yet sice i had no intention to cross the border yet.. installing more maps means waiting longer for updates.. (allthough, that has been massively improved a few years back) .. so yes, it is not such a big hassle to install all neighbouring countries as well but at least the user should be warned, that one always needs to install the neighboring countries to make sure all the relevant airspace is visible.. sky demon focuses so much on usability that i can't imagine that they would not want to fix this properly.. 



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