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Airspace information like the German DFS

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Hello Skydemon Team,
i do not find the current airspace information quickly visible, especially in flight. Just like the German DFS is doing in the Icao charts, I think it's a better solution. I once created an example.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We don't get much call for a different style of airspace label, but we'll bear it in mind. The downside of such a label style is that it takes up quite a lot of room, and it's not ideal for dynamic vector charts. In the meantime the What's Here menu is a great way of visualising the entire airspace stack at any point, with a simple touch on the map.
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Tim Dawson - 3/1/2021 10:12:35 AM
We don't get much call for a different style of airspace label, but we'll bear it in mind. The downside of such a label style is that it takes up quite a lot of room, and it's not ideal for dynamic vector charts. In the meantime the What's Here menu is a great way of visualising the entire airspace stack at any point, with a simple touch on the map.

I fully agree with Björn. Airspace information is absolutely crucial. Especially during flight it is very helpful to get this information immediately without activating the Whatˋs Here menu before. Although the information is already on the map, it is not well visible. 
Therefore it would be good to implement Björnˋs proposal or to think about another way to make the airspace information better visible, e.g. by highlighting the font more clearly.

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Please don’t change the label format on the standard SkyDemon chart styles. I think it would represent a backward step. 
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grahamb - 3/21/2021 10:13:02 PM
Please don’t change the label format on the standard SkyDemon chart styles. I think it would represent a backward step. 

It is the stated objective to make a very important piece of information better visible. To what extent is that a backward step?

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Jupp - 3/22/2021 1:28:02 PM
grahamb - 3/21/2021 10:13:02 PM
Please don’t change the label format on the standard SkyDemon chart styles. I think it would represent a backward step. 

It is the stated objective to make a very important piece of information better visible. To what extent is that a backward step?

It could obscure detail on the underlying chart, over which Tim and team would have very little control, unlike on a paper chart where the cartographer will have the opportunity to optimise the position of each and every airspace legend.

When airborne, its obvious from the radar view where the airspace floors are relative to planned and actual level over the next so many miles of flight. If a value is critical, the standard labelling or the ‘what’s here’ pop-up is good enough for me. 

I have no interest in what Tim does with the DFS style chart; what I’m asking is that he leaves the standard SkyDemon chart styles as they are, as I think they are a model of clarity. 

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Living in France, I fully support the requested feature! Military people here in France switch On and Off the restricted zones as they like, sometimes several times per day. When you plan a flight you ALWAYS have to have a plan "B" avoiding surprisingly activated zones. NOTAM is not of great help. It is therefore absolutely crucial to be aware of ALL zones, you might want to cross. I therefore suggest to enhance the "flight" section with "potentially crossed zones" and of course, make'em more visible on the chart. That does not mean that the smart map isn't an excellent feature!! but the greyed out zones are a little bit too hard to spot.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Ive, I think this thread concerns the way airspaces are labelled, rather than their fading due to active/inactive state. I think the latter is what you're concerned about, is that correct? If so, it might be worth starting a new thread for it.

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