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Adding waypoints with Google Maps coordinates format

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I would appreciate very much if SD would accept coordinates in the format that Google Maps uses. If you find an interesting waypoint in Google Maps, you can easily find it’s coordinates by clicking on the map and enter the ‘what is here’ mode. One can than immediately see the coordinates. They are displayed in this format: (50.8950139, 4.3416945)
It is easy to do a copy&paste into SD but there the format is’t recognised. The “.” has to be replaced by a “,” and the “,” by a “;”.
As SD already accepts several formats, I guess it would be that much of an issue to add this ‘GoogleMaps’ style as well.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SkyDemon already accepts coordinate in that format, but if you're in a locale where the decimal separator is a comma then we will expect that instead. I guess that is the case here?
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Hi Tim, indeed I’m from the Flemish speaking part of Belgium and our decimal separator is a comma.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks. I agree with your feedback and the next version of SkyDemon will accept decimal coordinate in English locale even if you're not in such a locale.
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Many thanks!
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Any news regarding this?

No one of the following Google maps fomats work in SD.
59°41'17.6"N 11°12'12.7"E
59.688218, 11.203536

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trettum - 2/1/2022 4:36:18 PM
Any news regarding this?

No one of the following Google maps fomats work in SD.
59°41'17.6"N 11°12'12.7"E
59.688218, 11.203536

Seems there may be some issues with format here. According to Skydemon manual the Nddmmss Wdddmmss format is standard.
It works by adding a zero to your E 011...

However with decimal degrees, not even the examples seems to work for me. Tried with combinations of , and . with no lock.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Pasting a coordinate in the format "59.688218, 11.203536" should work fine. It just did in a test here.

In the sample above you're mixing a comma as a decimal separator and also as a separator of the two coordinates, so that's always going to be confusing.

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Tim Dawson - 2/2/2022 10:49:05 AM
Pasting a coordinate in the format "59.688218, 11.203536" should work fine. It just did in a test here.

In the sample above you're mixing a comma as a decimal separator and also as a separator of the two coordinates, so that's always going to be confusing.

My example showed that "59.688218, 11.203536" works fine, which you confirmed.
My 2nd example showed that even with example presented in the APP on the right side, namely 50,966,-2,466 this does not work. Have you tested that as well?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The example does appear to be misleading. Presumable you're in a locale where a comma is used as the decimal separator?

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