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Suppress traffic warnings below a certain height

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Posts: 89, Visits: 3.2K
Good evening Sir Tim :-)
Does the 'Suppress All' literally suppress ALL audio or does it still allow 'danger' voices through?
This evening I was on Final and had suppressed all audio. However, at about 300' I got a "Danger, aircraft ahead etc" from an aircraft that was approaching the threshold (in order to takeoff). I double-checked and I had pressed the suppress option.
I was just wondering if there is a filter which allows 'dangerous situations' (as judged by the computer algorithm) to override that option.
My setup is PAW to SD on iPad Mini. SD audio (not PAW audio). iPad Mini (with SD) Bluetooth to David Clark headset.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yes, the "silence all" thing is to stop SkyDemon talking to you about nearby traffic, but it will still show a warning (with accompanying sound and speech) if it thinks you're actually about to hit something.
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Thanks Tim. I believe we're back to square two then really. If I 'Suppress All' audio I don't want to be warned verbally about the guy at the holding point when I'm coming into land but by all means please keep displaying it in red on my iPad. It would, of course, be much better if they weren't transmitting ADSB etc on the ground but I'm not going to open that can of worms. Given there will always be people on the ground who are chucking out some sort of EC (thank you very much for doing so nevertheless) and I don't want to get a "Danger, you're going to smash into the guy at the holding point" then either (a)I need to switch off all my audio by turning off the Bluetooth (b)phaff around with audio volume or (c)hope you can either make 'Suppress All' really mean that or (d)hope you can cancel audio for all of those on the ground or (e)hope you can allow us to select an altitude below which we don't want to hear anything.
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With the EC rebate this issue will get worse.
I’m just muting the iPad right now but that means I lose all the other useful alerts too.

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We should welcome a scenario where everything is visible, incl drones. I have full confidence in app developers to find a good and useful way to present this information to airmen. 

When continiously improving and adjusting its solution, SD also has to take into considerations that circumstances in other countries may be very different from the UK. In my neck of the woods there is mostly nothing, and half of the little traffic there is doesn't even bother to switch on their Mode C transporder (the other half does, and I am very grateful that they show one way or this other on my tablet!).

Far from wanting SD to send me less verbal traffic warnings, I would wish more participants would used EC devices, had ADS-B or would at least switch on their transponders.

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TimT - 10/16/2020 4:20:13 PM
We should welcome a scenario where everything is visible, incl drones. I have full confidence in app developers to find a good and useful way to present this information to airmen. 

When continiously improving and adjusting its solution, SD also has to take into considerations that circumstances in other countries may be very different from the UK. In my neck of the woods there is mostly nothing, and half of the little traffic there is doesn't even bother to switch on their Mode C transporder (the other half does, and I am very grateful that they show one way or this other on my tablet!).

Far from wanting SD to send me less verbal traffic warnings, I would wish more participants would used EC devices, had ADS-B or would at least switch on their transponders.

I'm not sure your post adds an value to the debate. 
Yes, we all want more ADSB and EC capability.
What we are talking about is saturation of pilots mental capacity during takeoff and landing. 

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TimT - 10/16/2020 4:20:13 PM
We should welcome a scenario where everything is visible, incl drones. 


If there is a thread in the vicinity we have to find supporting solutions and it is most likely far beyond praying to the gods of technology, but - over-flooding the world and especially people not even involved in the particular situation with overwhelming and mostly useless information for them is the wrong way.

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pilot-byom - 10/17/2020 12:27:30 PM
TimT - 10/16/2020 4:20:13 PM
We should welcome a scenario where everything is visible, incl drones. 


If there is a thread in the vicinity we have to find supporting solutions and it is most likely far beyond praying to the gods of technology, but - over-flooding the world and especially people not even involved in the particular situation with overwhelming and mostly useless information for them is the wrong way.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The next release of SkyDemon does now ignore aircraft that we think are on the ground, while you are flying. There are two ways in which we judge an aircraft to be on the ground:

1. Its ADS-B packet tells us that it is on the ground (we check this with its reported speed, too)
2. For protocols that are not ADS-B based, we need its speed to be below 10 knots AND its reported GPS altitude to be below terrain elevation plus 200 feet.

SkyDemon already omits to give traffic information updates when you are on the ground yourself.

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Tim Dawson - 10/20/2020 8:06:33 AM
The next release of SkyDemon does now ignore aircraft that we think are on the ground, while you are flying. There are two ways in which we judge an aircraft to be on the ground:

1. Its ADS-B packet tells us that it is on the ground (we check this with its reported speed, too)
2. For protocols that are not ADS-B based, we need its speed to be below 10 knots AND its reported GPS altitude to be below terrain elevation plus 200 feet.

SkyDemon already omits to give traffic information updates when you are on the ground yourself.

Thank you Tim, I look forward to testing it!

(Assuming I'm ever allowed to fly again by the Welsh government Sad )

Edited 10/20/2020 11:02:04 AM by grahamb

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