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Suppress traffic warnings below a certain height

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Hi folks,

Having now added a PA system to the aircraft, I'm seeing some great results with SkyDemon producing aural alerts for traffic. The one main issue I have is when joining the circuit, it just won't shut up. Today, I also had it warning about traffic at the hold when I took off. This can be very distracting and has had me shouting at SD to shut up, followed by trying to yank out the audio cable.

Would there be a way of adding a filter so that (say), it doesn't display any traffic warnings below a set value? I'd probably set mine at 1500ft AGL for example.

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nmcgovern - 8/30/2020 4:33:47 PM
Hi folks,

Having now added a PA system to the aircraft, I'm seeing some great results with SkyDemon producing aural alerts for traffic. The one main issue I have is when joining the circuit, it just won't shut up. Today, I also had it warning about traffic at the hold when I took off. This can be very distracting and has had me shouting at SD to shut up, followed by trying to yank out the audio cable.

Would there be a way of adding a filter so that (say), it doesn't display any traffic warnings below a set value? I'd probably set mine at 1500ft AGL for example.

I link an iPhone dedicated to the SD full-screen traffic display to my headset via bluetooth, and with the increasing number of ADS-B out emitters this is now becoming a real issue - particularly on final, when the last thing one needs is being repeatedly reminded about traffic sitting at the hold or taxying. Final approach is not the time to be fiddling with headset controls or SD 'silence all traffic' settings, so I fully support the concept of SD doing something clever with filtering out traffic that is apparently at AGL 

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Would there be a way of adding a filter so that (say), it doesn't display any traffic warnings below a set value? I'd probably set mine at 1500ft AGL for example.

I think the idea of an altitude filter has merit but my preference would be for it to just inhibit the aural traffic warnings. The traffic could still be displayed on SD because you don't have to look at that but it is more the voices in my head that I find a bit distracting. I can just turn off the Bluetooth on my headset but I would prefer not to have to do that. I know Tim would like to still have the 'entering runway'-type warnings below 1500' but I would certainly support a function whereby aural traffic warnings could be automatically muted below (for instance) 1500'.

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PaulSS - 8/31/2020 5:25:54 PM
Would there be a way of adding a filter so that (say), it doesn't display any traffic warnings below a set value? I'd probably set mine at 1500ft AGL for example.

I think the idea of an altitude filter has merit but my preference would be for it to just inhibit the aural traffic warnings. The traffic could still be displayed on SD because you don't have to look at that but it is more the voices in my head that I find a bit distracting. I can just turn off the Bluetooth on my headset but I would prefer not to have to do that. I know Tim would like to still have the 'entering runway'-type warnings below 1500' but I would certainly support a function whereby aural traffic warnings could be automatically muted below (for instance) 1500'.

I think it needs to be lower than that. I don't mind hearing about other circuit traffic that is potentially conflicting, it's the stuff on the ground which SD perceives as conflicting that is irrittating. IMHO a simple 'anything when I'm below 1500ft'  ignores too may potential risks.

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If the actual function of switching off audio below XXX is doable then I think the option to choose your own height will be a walk in the park for the computer gurus. I just hope the ability to link a height/altitude and a traffic audio-off switch is a realistic option.

Yesterday I turned off the Bluetooth because others in the circuit were causing just too much noise but I was quite happy they remained displayed on the iPad.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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You know there's a SkyDemon option to temporarily mute aural traffic warnings, right? Just tap the traffic radar then choose Silence All. It's as easy to undo it, too.

I'd rather not filter out all traffic below a certain altitude or height, wouldn't it be better to detect traffic that's on the ground if that's the problem? We could probably employ a check that used both the target's groundspeed and altitude to have a pretty good guess as to whether it was on the ground or not.

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Tim Dawson - 9/7/2020 9:54:07 AM
You know there's a SkyDemon option to temporarily mute aural traffic warnings, right? Just tap the traffic radar then choose Silence All. It's as easy to undo it, too.

I'd rather not filter out all traffic below a certain altitude or height, wouldn't it be better to detect traffic that's on the ground if that's the problem? We could probably employ a check that used both the target's groundspeed and altitude to have a pretty good guess as to whether it was on the ground or not.

On the ground would certainly be my preference, as posted above. I'm aware of the 'silence all' option, but a) I don't like having to fiddle with stuff when on final, and b) on a go-around it's another thing to remember to switch back on, otherwise what's the point of EC if you don't enable it in the most MAC-risky phase of the flight?

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You know there's a SkyDemon option to temporarily mute aural traffic warnings, right? Just tap the traffic radar then choose Silence All. It's as easy to undo it, too.

I didn't know that, so thank you for the information. It is something I will certainly use in the future. I have read the manual abut there are lots of great features in SD and I often find myself forgetting some of the less-used (by me) ones.

Now, I know you have been working closely with Pilot Aware on the ground station stuff and maybe this is no longer an issue but I was getting continuous warnings from the airfield ground station and that is clearly not ideal. I have updated my PAW but have not yet flown with it, so maybe this problem has already been addressed by no longer showing ground station as aircraft. If not, then, yes, a zero groundspeed/altitude might be useful.

However, we are evidently all different. Graham wants to see and hear about circuit traffic. I'd just like to see circuit traffic and not hear about them below (for instance) 1500'. Now I know about the radar tapping I shall endeavour to bring it into my circuit-joining 'checks' but if I was ever offered the option of auto-muting below XXX ft (selectable) I would take advantage of it.

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Tim Dawson - 9/7/2020 9:54:07 AM
You know there's a SkyDemon option to temporarily mute aural traffic warnings, right? Just tap the traffic radar then choose Silence All. It's as easy to undo it, too.

I'd rather not filter out all traffic below a certain altitude or height, wouldn't it be better to detect traffic that's on the ground if that's the problem? We could probably employ a check that used both the target's groundspeed and altitude to have a pretty good guess as to whether it was on the ground or not.

I would love that option!

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A definite positive to the latest update of Pilot Aware/changing SD with Tim, seems to be no voice alerts about ground stations; which is great news. It would SEEM that ground stations are no longer treated as aircraft and so the warnings are suppressed. It made for a much nicer circuit experience the other day and no need to use my 'suppress all' function :-)

Also, MUCH better seeing ground stations as green/red 'antennas' and not aircraft symbols. Many thanks for implementing such an improvement.


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