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ILS / DME frequencies for civil airports

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Posts: 6, Visits: 17
I fly using Sky Demon a lot and for me it’s 99% perfect, but I would like to suggest one small improvement.
ILS and DME frequency’s for military airfields can be displayed by one touch on the respective map icon, but for civil airports no such icons are offered, and the information is contained on the approach plate which are not so readily accessed.
For example try to look up the frequencies for Le Touquet or Norwich compared with Marham !

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Posts: 570, Visits: 27K
comanchebob - 3/7/2020 11:05:47 PM
I fly using Sky Demon a lot and for me it’s 99% perfect, but I would like to suggest one small improvement. ILS and DME frequency’s for military airfields can be displayed by one touch on the respective map icon, but for civil airports no such icons are offered, and the information is contained on the approach plate which are not so readily accessed. For example try to look up the frequencies for Le Touquet or Norwich compared with Marham !

These are not ILS that are being displayed, but the DME stations. These of course may also the same frequencies as their coupled ILS. Only Navaids with a defined location position will be displayed on the chart - NDB, DME, VOR, TACAN.

Whether an airport is military or civil is not what is determining whether any on-field Navaid is displayed as a waypoint, but a combination of how close they are to the airport reference point and map scale (and probably the size of your fingertip!).

Zoom out to 750k scale and touch Welshpool. You’ll see the WPL NDB and DME stations listed as waypoints. Touch Norwich and you’ll see the NWI locator. 
Zoom in to a really large scale and you’ll see the exact positions of any Navaid, and you can select it as a discrete ‘what’s here’ items to see its frequency.

Edited 3/8/2020 6:14:28 AM by grahamb
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
As a matter of course we don't include ILS frequencies in SkyDemon because firstly it's a lot of work to keep these in sync with the AIP information and secondly that AIP information is very quickly accessible in SkyDemon easily. We also expect people to often be using an instrument approach plate in SkyDemon which will clearly show the ILS frequency on it.

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