+x pseudonym - 12/9/2019 5:11:51 PM+x Rolmops - 12/17/2018 1:17:04 PM+x[quote] Tim Dawson - 10/8/2018 11:28:23 AMNo, no update.Dear Tim,I will also be interested in aeronautical data and maps of Senegal and Mauritania as part of a raid in 2019.Is it possible to hope to have something or is it definitely impossible?Best regards,RolandDid you participate in a raid 2019? Any aeronautical data you may share? Any tips?
+x Rolmops - 12/17/2018 1:17:04 PM+x[quote] Tim Dawson - 10/8/2018 11:28:23 AMNo, no update.Dear Tim,I will also be interested in aeronautical data and maps of Senegal and Mauritania as part of a raid in 2019.Is it possible to hope to have something or is it definitely impossible?Best regards,Roland
+x[quote] Tim Dawson - 10/8/2018 11:28:23 AMNo, no update.
+x Tim Dawson - 10/8/2018 11:28:23 AMNo, no update.
+x Tim Dawson - 10/25/2021 9:59:15 AMThey're not currently on our development list.