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Adding User Documents to non-ICAO airfields

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I can see numerous posts and interest about adding User Documents to airfields. You can currently pin your User Documents to specific ICAO airfields but not non-ICAO airfields (only to a generic non-airfield specific User Documents folder). Could this function be added?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We implemented this some time ago. As long as the airfield has some sort of identifier, you can associated an user document with it by using its identifier then an underscore then the rest of the filename.
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Can you kindly clarify what you mean when you mention “ long as the airfield has some sort of identifier...”. I ask as I tried adding a user document with name Keyston_sat photo but it still (as before) only appears in the User Documents area and not under the Keyston airfield tab

On the other hand I have a user document for Elstree airport and that appears under Elstee at the bottom of the right hand menu under the heading “User Documents”

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Gaznel - 10/4/2019 11:06:18 PM
Can you kindly clarify what you mean when you mention “ long as the airfield has some sort of identifier...”. I ask as I tried adding a user document with name Keyston_sat photo but it still (as before) only appears in the User Documents area and not under the Keyston airfield tabOn the other hand I have a user document for Elstree airport and that appears under Elstee at the bottom of the right hand menu under the heading “User Documents”

I'd suspect 'Keyston_' simply does not qualifiy as an ICAO designator ...
Many small UK airfields lack ICAO designators, so I doubled my frequently flown to custom data.
'My Keyston' I set to EG46 and PDF files starting 'EG46_' are well shown at the custom data airfield in Skydemon.
Maybe the staff can explain how the designator has to look like, I assumed four letters.
Your example Elstree airfield works via thou EGTR_ as it has an ICAO code.

Edited 10/5/2019 7:29:47 AM by MarkusM
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Hi Markus thanks for the reply. Indeed, you can save User Docs to ICAO designated airfields. My post asked if SD would ever allow this function for other airfields and Tim’s reply was it had already been implemented. I am hoping he will reply to clarify how to do it without having to duplicate airfields as custom data.
Edited 10/5/2019 10:58:12 AM by Gaznel
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Well, the caveat is that the airfield must have an identifier that is widely recognised but which isn't an ICAO identifier. Many countries have these but the UK is not one. There is no agreed list of designators for non-ICAO UK airfields.

So in the case of a non-ICAO UK airfield, it isn't currently possible to associated a user document with it in SkyDemon.

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Tim Dawson - 10/7/2019 11:54:42 AM
Well, the caveat is that the airfield must have an identifier that is widely recognised but which isn't an ICAO identifier. Many countries have these but the UK is not one. There is no agreed list of designators for non-ICAO UK airfields.

So in the case of a non-ICAO UK airfield, it isn't currently possible to associated a user document with it in SkyDemon.


Thanks for replying and I figured as much. If there ever can be a way to pin User Documents to any non ICAO UK airfields (including User added airfields) on Sky Demon then that would be extremely useful, at least for me. Primarily as I fly into a number of farm strips and to have information about these strips on tap (rather than having to hunt around in the designated User Docs file) would be far better.


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Having similar problem with airfield User-Pdfs in Germany as Gary described. I cannot see my added PDFs even if I use ICAO ID of the airfield.
E g. Rheinstetten Airfield in the south of Karlsruhe has the ICAO code "RHST". If I name my pdf like:
RHST_ Rheinstetten.pdf
I cannot see it if I tab on the airfield informations 
Please could you advise ?
Friendly Regards

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Rheinstetten is a glider field, it does not have an ICAO code. German ICAO codes begin with ED or ET.

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