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En Route charts in Briefing Pack

Fat Monk
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[v3.6.4 on Android (phone and tablet)]

I love the new Briefing Pack functionality - I'd actually been considering requesting a feature something like that for ages (and will be posting a couple of requests in the feature suggestions forum now I've finally got around to registering for the forums).

However, it seems that the old 'En Route' chart option that used to be in the 'Print Center' has disappeared from the Briefing Pack sections options.

Is this intentional and/or will it be returning?

I always found it really useful having a version of the chart overlayed with NOTAMS for reference during a flight rather than marking on my main chart and cluttering my route markings.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It is intentional. It's worth noting that we haven't taken anything away, it's just that the enroute charts printing feature is not (yet) available on Android. We have had it working, but Android's PDF generation system is quite bad on all the devices we have tested. With a modest route it would produce a > 50mb PDF file which really was unworkable.
Fat Monk
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Tim Dawson - 9/16/2016 2:02:10 PM
It is intentional. It's worth noting that we haven't taken anything away, it's just that the enroute charts printing feature is not (yet) available on Android. We have had it working, but Android's PDF generation system is quite bad on all the devices we have tested. With a modest route it would produce a > 50mb PDF file which really was unworkable.

Ouch.. 50mb is a bit much.
I'll probably be doing most of my 'Briefing Pack' creation on a PC anyway, so it's not that big of a deal. Though the fact that I haven't tried it out on the PC application yet shows how much of my route planning is done playing around on a phone or tablet.

Great new feature, though, makes generating the paperwork much quicker and far less likely to forget to hit print on the appropriate section now. (I just wish I would choose 1- or 2-up on a section-by-section basis as per my other post).


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Tim Dawson - 9/16/2016 2:02:10 PM
It is intentional. It's worth noting that we haven't taken anything away, it's just that the enroute charts printing feature is not (yet) available on Android. We have had it working, but Android's PDF generation system is quite bad on all the devices we have tested. With a modest route it would produce a > 50mb PDF file which really was unworkable.

That's quite a long time we've now been waiting for en-route charts for Android. I can't always have a Microsoft PC with me and the web-based Skydemon is now more or less inaccessible to me on Linux. More often or not nowadays all I want to have with me is my Chromebook and I run the Android Skydemon app on that no issues at all. But no en-route charts! I can print screen but not ideal. Thanks, Paul

Edited 6/17/2018 10:18:25 PM by psb777
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I just checked the forums to see how I can generate a chart print out from my android device to use in a pre-flight breifing pack and so pretty disappointed that this feature has not been rectified.......

I‌ only use my android smart phone for SD as I don't have a PC.‌
Tony N
Tony N
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4535jacks - 6/27/2018 8:09:15 AM
I just checked the forums to see how I can generate a chart print out from my android device to use in a pre-flight breifing pack and so pretty disappointed that this feature has not been rectified.......

I only use my android smart phone for SD as I don't have a PC.

Do you not have/carry normal paper charts as a backup for when your android smartphone (one day) fails or shuts down....?

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Tim Dawson - 9/16/2016 2:02:10 PM
It is intentional. It's worth noting that we haven't taken anything away, it's just that the enroute charts printing feature is not (yet) available on Android. We have had it working, but Android's PDF generation system is quite bad on all the devices we have tested. With a modest route it would produce a > 50mb PDF file which really was unworkable.

Hi Tim,
no news about printing Enroute Charts on Android systems? A 50mb file it isn't a really big problem...
Best regards

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To be honest, I really would like SD to invest in cool new and well tested features instead of worrying with all this uncountable combinations of hardware and OS in the Android-world.

Random hardware combined with probably out-of-service OS versions (therefore also random!) cannot provide a minimum level of reliability required in aviation.

As far as I know, for this reason only iPads and no android devices are approved by FAA as paper replacement in professional aviation (if you have two on board).

I guess, the total cost of ownership of an iPad 4 mini is comparable to Android devices, as the time of useful life (support) is longer.

But anyway, it’s just my opinion...
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's a fair comment. It's been literally years since we were forced to omit Enroute Charts from the briefing pack on Android, and devices have come on a long way since then. We'll try again, and put a beta out later today to see how it works for people.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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So did anyone try it?

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