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iOS 12 Supported?

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Dear SkyDemon

Do you know if the latest release (3.10.4) is compatible with iOS 12 please?

Many thanks


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I’ve been running the latest version on IOS 12 over the last 2 days. It seems smooth on iPhone 7, but my month old iPad mini 4 which I use in the cockpit seems to be experiencing lag whenever I move around the map, edit routes or open/close menus to the point it’s almost unusable (planning as well as flying modes). It was much smoother before either update, I haven’t managed to narrow down which has caused it.

Note, it seems to hang for short amount of time whenever the virtual radar is updating.
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I have noticed that SkyDemon becomes very laggy (to adjust anything on the touch screen) after an hour of flight or so - the only way to get back to normal is to stop the program completely and start again.

I have a 10.7" iPad Pro with Pilotaware and LTE running, that has been running the complete set of  IOS beta releases and now the GM version. I do not believe this behavior is release related but cannot remember if I had it with IOS 11(!) It has been there for multiple SkyDemon releases.

Sorry I cannot narrow it down further.

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I also experienced bad lag after ios12 update on iPad mini4.
Never had the problem before.
Quit & relaunched in flight to fix.
Not great.

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Posts: 31, Visits: 108
Also had the same experience lag being the best way to describe the unresponsive panning and key presses within the SkyDemon app. Had three flights using PilotAware as the GPS input, if that helps.
Using iOS 12 on an iPad Air 2. Latest app version

Peter Robertson
Peter Robertson
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For info, I received an e-mail a few days ago from Airbox (I use it for testing) advising Runway HD users using iOS devices not to update them to iOS12 as it apparently causes a black space to appear between the Runway HD charts. So not just an SD issue.


Peter R
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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iOS 12 is too new for us to have a full picture of exactly what issues might exist with it. New major versions of operating systems to tend to come with minor issues at first. We know SkyDemon works on iOS 12, but haven't yet managed to reproduce the lagging problem that some users are reporting on some devices.
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On saturday I had two flights of each about 2 hrs crossing the alps.

I experienced the same lagging problem as described before.
The planning mode works smoothly. In flight touching almost anything tends to react with seconds (plural) time. On top the GPS position was laggy too (is this the right expression? sorry I'm German...)
I had to reboot my iPad several times.

Of course I contacted customer support. But only today.

I will change back to iOS 11 until SkyDemon finds first the problem and then create an update as a solution.

iPad Mini 4, iOS 12
SkyDemon 13.10.3 on saturday

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I think it likely that Apple will solve this problem, rather than app vendors, but we will see. So far we have updated two of our company iPads to iOS 12 and sadly we cannot recreate the lag problem that a few users are seeing, so it is hard for us to imagine what could be wrong.
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Posts: 116, Visits: 434
I’m gonna revert back to my old iPad mini 2, which is still running iOS 11.4.1 and SD 3.10.1 and running much smoother the my iPad mini 4 on iOS 12 (was unable to to restore 11.4.1 on my mini 4). I dare not update the mini 2 now.

What I’m noticing on latest version iOS 12 / SD 3.10.4 (mini 4), is performance reduces with usage over time (memory leak?).

On the mini 4, I can recreate it every time, by first killing the app, and then creating a route with one or two waypoints. I then go to Route - Start Again in the menu and then create the same route again. And then repeat over and over, create a route and start over. Each time, lag will increase. And this is just planning mode.

Theres no lag on iOS 11.4.1 / SD 3.10.1.

(Note, both devices are 4G capable, and I'm not running any 3rd party hardware).

Edited 9/26/2018 4:15:47 PM by plume_tray

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