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Bearingless traffic not shown, but alerts for them are.

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Before installing it in the aircraft, I am testing a TRX-2000 with airconnect and skydemon on ipad.
Airconnect is on the TRX-2000 port 2, and display bearingless traffic is enabled on this port.
For this‌ bench test, I put the TRX-2000 in simulation mode so it generates both traffic with bearing and without bearing that are potential collisions.
The TRX-2000 display shows the position of aircraft with a bearing on the screen with a symbol, the bearingless targets are show as a circle around my position. Skydemon shows the aircraft with a bearing on the screen correctly but those without are not shown at all, no circle or anything. However, skydemon shows an alarm when a bearingless aircraft is within the alert range, I have seen show approaches from 9 O'clock or 3 O'clock or 8 O'clock. For example, the alert will say "traffic behind 8 O'clock, 0.0 nm, Level".
‌The skydemon navigation option "show bearingless targets" has no influence on the behaviour.
Anyone with this set up has this experience?‌
Is this expected?
How would skydemon know where a bearingless traffic comes from?

Tim, I have a video of both screens‌‌‌‌ (100MB), let me know if you want it.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If you're using a genuine Flarm device such as that one, it generates the alerts itself and we simply display them. Our own collision detection code is not used. I therefore cannot comment on the situations in which Flarm would issue an alert (which we display).

I can however confirm that we show bearingless targets if the associated option is turned on, in fact we show them as circles in much the same way many Flarm displays do. In order to look into any non-showing issue you're experiencing we would need a data dump of exactly the data the Flarm device is sending to us when it's receiving a bearingless target but SkyDemon is not showing it.‌

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Tim Dawson - 3/6/2017 12:46:27 PM
If you're using a genuine Flarm device such as that one, it generates the alerts itself and we simply display them. Our own collision detection code is not used. I therefore cannot comment on the situations in which Flarm would issue an alert (which we display).

I can however confirm that we show bearingless targets if the associated option is turned on, in fact we show them as circles in much the same way many Flarm displays do. In order to look into any non-showing issue you're experiencing we would need a data dump of exactly the data the Flarm device is sending to us when it's receiving a bearingless target but SkyDemon is not showing it.‌

Hi Tim,

I found time to log‌‌ the data sent to skydemon, will send you that directly.

Re‌‌gards, --André

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SemperFi - 4/2/2017 9:32:48 AM
We did an installation of a TRX-2000 quite a while ago and after trying hard to get the connection to Skydemon show all features, we talked to the shop in more detail. As it turned out, the TRX-2000 was already proclaimed from the pulpit and is discontinued now, with no successor. We sent the device back and got a TRX-1500 instead, which works as designed. Word we received was that TRX-1500(A) with the new AirTrafficDisplay will replace all other devices, so you may rethink spending money for an outdated device?

I am also running a combination of TRX-2000 (port 2), Air Connect and SkyDemon without bearingless traffic shown. The Air Avionics folks recommended to select "Mit leerem Bearing Datenfeld" instead of "Als umlaufende LED" using the TRX Tool but I have never seen any bearingless traffic on SD so far. The TRX Tool manual says that it should work with a display that is abele to decode $PFLAU messages.
‌‌Sad to hear that the TRX-2000 is discontinued, as a standalone device it is quite nice.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Judging by the log greg sent to us, the TRX2000 is not actually conforming to the FLARM protocol when it comes to bearingless targets, which would explain why they're not showing up with the rings you'd expect in SkyDemon.
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Tim Dawson - 4/3/2017 4:05:18 PM
Judging by the log greg sent to us, the TRX2000 is not actually conforming to the FLARM protocol when it comes to bearingless targets, which would explain why they're not showing up with the rings you'd expect in SkyDemon.

I agree with Tim.
I looked at the dat‌a, and checked against FLARM data port specification Doc FT12 Rev 7.00.
It says:‌
"Non-directional targets (transponder Mode-C/S; protocol version 6 and higher) are output as PFLAA sentences.
‌<RelativeNorth>: Decimal integer value. Range: from -32768 to 32767.
Relative position in meters true north from own position. If <RelativeEast> is empty, <RelativeNorth> represents the estimated distance to a target with unknown bearing (transponder Mode-C/S)."

There were no sentence with an empty ‌‌<RelativeEast> field, but circles were shown on the TRX-2000 during the recording of the data.

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Tim, all, yesterday at AERO I managed to talk to Mr Garrecht from Air Avionics about the issue and he promised to talk to you Tim this morning at the show. He identified the problem and wanted to provide a simple solution to SD. I hope this resolves the issue.
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TouchTheSky - 4/8/2017 9:40:55 AM
Tim, all, yesterday at AERO I managed to talk to Mr Garrecht from Air Avionics about the issue and he promised to talk to you Tim this morning at the show. He identified the problem and wanted to provide a simple solution to SD. I hope this resolves the issue.

SInce 3.8 the issue seems to be resolved -  bearingless traffic is now shown on the map as a green circle.

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