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Polish MRT on map. ( Military routes )

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The Polish airspace have air corridors along which are moving military aircraft. These corridors often occupy the space from the ground to 4,000 feet, for example. In addition, they are divided into the intersection where the seizure is updated on a daily military AIP. Are you able to map the route of these corridors? Or carry corridors and their current occupation? Polish users would be very grateful to you for this option. Best wishes for the team Skydemon

Below I give a link to the MRT routes in Poland. You can search for more accurate visual feedback on the page:


Edited 9/2/2015 12:22:51 PM by lapawwa
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I believe we already depict both MRT as given in AIP VFR Poland. Presumably the Polish authorities have decided that only these two are applicable to VFR pilots? I think we added them to our chart in the last update.
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Posts: 8, Visits: 324
Hi Tim.
Bringing back the subject on Polish MRTs.

Those two MRTs you mentioned in your post are not the only ones. 
Check out doc named: 
@ AIP/Poland(Military)/Enroute
Northern West side of Poland looks like spider web covered with those.
It would really help to add MRT coverage in Skydemon.
Let us know how the things are progressing.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I agree that our Poland chart would look like a spiderweb if we added those. This makes us quite reluctant to add them. However we would do so if there were significant demand, but we haven't seen much demand for them. Are they on the ICAO chart for Poland?
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Posts: 8, Visits: 324
Hi Tim.
Answering your question regarding Poland ICAO chart, yes indeed MRTs are on it.
MRT's are quite often used.

Shall I call all my friends to write down theirs demand below Wink to make you consider adding it Wink

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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This kind of demand only works if it's unsolicited Smile
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Haven't plan soliciting, just wanted to wake up sleeping Poles.
Don't see anyone claiming a need though.

Anyways, Christmas is coming Smile the time when wishes may come true, right Tim? SmileSmile


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