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So there I was happily flying along fat & happy on a glorious VFR day congratulating myself on perfect track & height, as usual, when I slowly began to realise that the position shown by Skydemon did not correlate with my map or the ground features. Must of course be a problem with Skydemon, the iPad, or GPS. Bl..dy computers and modern technology!
Bet you are ahead of me. It took a few minutes to realise I had pressed SIMULATE rather than GO FLYING button. So quick reset and Hey Presto the system worked, glitch with the Bl...dy pilot not the technology.
So in my defence the two buttons are close together and I'm not sure how I missed the warning but once in the simulate mode it does of course appear as if flying ( I know that's the intention😴)
So to get to my request. Would it be possible to either relocate the Simulation button away from the Go Flying button or have some clearly visible warning on the simulation page?