Chicken (10/26/2015)
Just a remark, wineskin is currently not officially supporting El Capitan Mac OS X 10.11 and for my personal feeling putting such open source uncertainty into my system is not an option. I am expert in IT since 1988, went through all the deep valleys of digitalization and am not keen on such constructions.There was an update to wineskin on 4th October which resolved the El Capitan issues - feedback in forums suggests it has been stable on El Capitan since then.
I've also worked in IT for ages - fortunately in progressive and successful organisations that understand the role that open source and wrapping have to play in software development.
I suspect this ultimately all comes down to money - developers cost money to employ; developers can either spend time developing features, or porting to other operating systems; you can employ more developers to try to do both, but then you have to charge customers more money; (and in practice you almost always end up with one platform lagging behind another and moans about lack of feature parity).
Personally if it was my company, I think I'd look to do a good quality wrap of the PC version for the Mac and release it at least once a year in an easy to install manner like the old unofficial Skydemon for Mac version.
I think your average Mac user in a flying club:
- doesn't care whether it's coded natively or wrapped, providing it works
- just wants it to install and run with one click of the mouse