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Mac OS El Capitan and SD 3.1.0.dmg

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After installing new software on IMac and Macbook the App is not any longer to be started. I suppose it´s "El Capitan", will there be any help? Same problem of other users?
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It now doesn't work for me either.

It was never a supported version so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a quick solution. It doesn't help that the Web based product is getting very flaky at the mo.

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after half a night with downgrade to Maverick and load SD 3.10.dmg again it works on this old software-version. Looks like it´s really "El Capitan"!??
Jens Johnsen
Jens Johnsen
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I have completely gone away from the MAC version, its buggy and are not very stable Sad
So now I have an old PC laptop, that I start up every time I need to work with SkyDemon.
Too bad there aren't enough of a demand on the MAC user side for the company to build a version for MAC´s Sad
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I've installed Parallels Desktop 11 and Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro and SkyDemon (Windows) works a treat.
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I tried El Capitan but too many thinks do not work such as iPhoto which is now dead apparently and will not sync properly to iPad.  Gone back to Lion and everything is well. Like another user, I have an old laptop running W7 just for SkyDemon. I'm not sure even that is needed now as virtually everything can be done on iPad.  Perhaps I'm just a bit of a stick in the mud.
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I have the same problem with El Capitan. Annoying as I'd rather do my flight planning on my iMac with big screen rather than the laptop......Hope someone comes up with a fix soon!

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I never installed "Skydemon for Mac" bevor I updated my early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" to "El Capitan" due to buying "Skydemon" a couple of days ago. So for me it is the same Problem as described further up. Also the browserbased App is not working, I have tried Safari, Firefox, Crome. Silverlight installation seems somehow funny when compared to typical Mac Installations and makes no difference anyway. So far there is actual no other way around windows (OMG). Sad un uncomfortable. Pretty much the opposite from what the rest of Skydemon suggest and is or could be. I guess not only me would appreciate very much a quick update of the "not supported" (how can this be by Professionals??) Version of Skydemon for mac.
By the way, i enjoy the main thing "Skydemon very much. Could be a five star. But in the Moment......
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Yep, same problem, upgrade software Apple MacBook Pro to OS X Capitan, version 10.11.1

and SkyDemon app on MacBook doesn't work anymore (was quit satisfied for more than 1,5 years)
Real pitty since I prepared my flight on the big Apple and than "safe to cloud" to pick up by my Apple iPad mini to execute.

Called SkyDemon, but they were not willing to help since they are NOT responsible for this application...!
Have a nice day !! -Sad

Edited 10/22/2015 3:00:23 PM by WL
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In multiple trails is becomes clear that a lot of SD users are using a Mac, you stated in a previous trail that the IPad is one of the most popular devices. Apple users are also often useing a Mac as well but there SD is not really supported. What are the plans, will there come a solution on the Mac soon, preverably a native Mac one??

Regards, Tom

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