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Denmark Visual Approach Charts

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Posts: 47, Visits: 146
Hi all,

as of know, I could download entire AIPs or products, but did not have luck with VACs for Denmark: Whenever I select an airfield and search for its plates, I am told, that I need an internet connection and also still need to download it.

I'd really like to have all of those on board - while flying (not having an internet connection) and abroad it is expensive as well.

Could you help me out here (quickly?), as I plan to leave on Saturday already!?

Thank you,
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm not sure I understand the question. I don't think the Danish VACs we deliver have changed recently. I'm aware of an ongoing issue though where not all the VACs are correct, and we therefore don't necessarily publish them all.
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Posts: 47, Visits: 146
Ok, let me outline what I did and what I'd expect to happen (all on SD for iOS):

-I enable (Setup/Charts) the Chart for Denmark, download it and install it.
-I go to Plates/Tools/Download AIP/Download All (or Denmark). It finishes, "All plates Downloaded"
(I did the same for other countries, including German DFS plates via "Download Product")
-I manually switch the iPad to Offline Mode
(Optinal step: I select "Simulate" (or "Go Flying"))
-I long click on an airfield, for which you (or the ANSP) do provide an approach plate, e.g. EKMB
-It appears in the List of Plates, but not downloaded/available.
Expected behaviour:
-It is already "green" and downloaded

When I have an internet connection, I can download it of course. But once being airborne, I'd rather have them downloaded of offline usage.


PS: The missing plates have a sub title "Danish Visual Flight Guide", whereas other documents for Denmark have "National AIP".
So how would I download all of Danish Visual Flight Guide!?
Edited 6/18/2015 3:38:15 PM by markus
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I see. Those plates are unusual in that they're not part of the national AIP, and they're not part of a paid product either. There is no way to do a bulk download on them, sorry.
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Posts: 47, Visits: 146
Couldn't you wrap those 'special plates' in a 0-cost product, to which everybody could subscribe?! Or make a fake country, like DK-visual?!
I bet, there are more special documents/plates to other countries - are there?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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No, not really. At least, not until a couple of weeks ago when we found some for France, too. It's quite an unusual situation and not one we planned for when we developed the plate storage system. If we get any more, it's likely we will need to redesign something to make a bulk download possible.
Martin Bech
Martin Bech
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Posts: 152, Visits: 352
Hi Tim
Fine with the download of Danish AIP, but I would like to have the VFR Flight Guide Danmark downloaded as well. Link to those documents(hard for you to read since they are in Danish:-)):

Download should be like download AIP - all documents.

Is that possible?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Certainly not at the moment, I'm afraid.
Martin Bech
Martin Bech
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For downloading all Visual Approach Charts and other information for all airports in Denmark I have created a route (see attached) with all airports. Then going into Airfields and an airport, choosing Tools and then Download All In List - I get everything downloaded.

Why can't Skydemon not make that bulk download for all airfields in a country whitout having to create a funny route?
Martin Bech
Martin Bech
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Here is the document - sorry.

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