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Downloaded Charts disappearing.

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Is this issue fixed with the recent 3.1.025633 ?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Not that I know of. We have never seen or been able to reproduce the issue in house, and until we understand it, we can't hope to fix it. This doesn't seem to happen to very many people.
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Tim Dawson (8/22/2014)
Not that I know of. We have never seen or been able to reproduce the issue in house, and until we understand it, we can't hope to fix it. This doesn't seem to happen to very many people.

Citing this fred, at least six people, including me, having this problem - on different platforms. The last time I experienced it I was allready sitting in the plane & ready for startup - checked the plate for my destination again only to get a message ' you have to be online ...' A plate I had looked at 10min before. So I got out of the plane, walked back to the terminal building, where I got wifi 'et voila' my plate was there - without downloading it again. I'm looking foreward to flight where I have to divert due to something else & the plate isn't available.....

Edited 8/25/2014 11:10:57 AM by Mike@EDTG
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I had the same problem happen to me today (Android 4.4.4)
I tried a few things to reproduce the problem.
The problem only occurs on first tries : if the plate is not shown when off line, and then it appears while being online (with a green background showing it is downloaded) it will thereafter always appear except if I clear the cache (Settings - Application.....)
But the problem completely disappeared after I updated the AIP.
May be there is some internal check for out of date plates.
Hope this helps.

Edited 9/16/2014 8:23:43 PM by pgroell
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It works the same for me if i update the AIP then it always works.
The same as pgroell said


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We think this is a problem with some devices failing to reload the plate index after a termination and restart of SkyDemon. The plates are all there (in your filesystem) but without the index SkyDemon can't use them. We've added some debugging code to try and work out what's going wrong during the serialization and deserialization process and will release a new beta soon.
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I tried to reproduce the problem today, I still have the problem (I used a different AIP) but I cannot find a sequence that will always create the problem as once the plates for one airfield have been loaded, the problem won't appear again for this airfield. !!!
If you need a video showing the problem, I could do this.

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more tests this morning. I'm working with the german AIP.
I begun working with the WIFI disabled.
If I try to get the EDFE plates (click on Airfield, Find Plates), the Plates sidebar opens with all the the plates shown with light green background.
If I then try to get the Oppenheim (EDGP, south west of EDFE) plates, the sidebar opens but only EDFE plates shown.
I then click Route - Start again, so that the sidebar is empty.
I then try again to get then EDGP plates, and get the message : "To use this function you must have an active connection......"
Keeping the Plates tab open I then activate WIFI and without any other action as soon as WIFI is connected, the EDGP plates appear in the tab, with the light green background,
If I click again Route - Start again,, the EDGP will always be present WIFI on or off.
But if with WIFI off I then try to get the EDEL(Langenlonsheim), west of EDGP, I can reproduce the same behavior.
I then updated the AIP and all the the fields I tested worked.
Hope this can help.

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I am running SD under a Samsung 8.4 Tablet Pro (SM-T320) under Aandroid 4.4.2. 
If I download French plates for example, they remain available even I close the WIFI. But they disappear as soon as I stop SD and start it again.
I have read somewhere that this is a behavior imposed by Apple under IOS because they request the developers to flush automatically at the moment an application quits.

If this is correct, why should Android users be submitted to this kind of restrictions ?

Indeed I would prefer by far to have the downloaded plates remaining available when off-line at at any moment, even at power-on or when restarting the application. I don't want to be subject, in any circumstances, to be on-line to get or reactivate the plates.

I hope that what said here above is not correct and that I have missed something

Thanks for the attention and to provide with further instructions on how to achieve what I want.

Edited 12/18/2014 10:04:32 PM by Luciano
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Luciano (12/18/2014)
I am running SD under a Samsung 8.4 Tablet Pro (SM-T320) under Aandroid 4.4.2. 
If I download French plates for example, they remain available even I close the WIFI. But they disappear as soon as I stop SD and start it again.


How do you download them? By using the "download AIP/product" menu? By using the "search plate" menu? By creating a route?
In the first case, all plates are downloaded and remain available, even when offline.
In the other cases, it's a one by one download and plates are not cached/available offline.

So, if you want plates to be available offline, you need to download them all from time to time, using the map/tools/download menu.


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