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No dynamic chart runway threshold circles

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 13
Hi, I am using the trial SD on an iPad3. I have programmed a route from Sywell to Sackville Farm. The runway info for Sackville shows a single runway, 13/31. In Simulate or Go Flying modes, SD displays approaches for another runway, 08/26, and chooses 08 for landing. On pressing the 'i' balloon for Sackville, there is still only 13/31, with no threshold circles to select either 13 or 31 for landing, or circuit patterns. Is this a bug, or is this a 'feature' of unlicensed strips? If I reverse the route, the dynamic chart for Sywell behaves as advertised.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
We have data for two runways at Sackville Farm: 13/31 and 08/26. As this is an unsurveyed strip, we do not have precise threshold coordinates for both runways so we cannot map them accurately. This is why only the longest runway is displayed (imprecisely) on the map, and why a "precision" approach to a specific runway cannot be selected.

This would only change if we were to be sent surveyed threshold coordinates for the runways.

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