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Errors in ULM terrains in Spain

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 149, Visits: 2.4K
Preparing a trip to Spain, I found some errors in the location of certain ULM fields, as well as others missing. I created/corrected using the Custom Data utility (great thing). When I try to attach the files, my web navigator crashes, so I will send de XML files by mail to Tim. I checked the new locations using the "view on map" facility.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Unfortunately we cannot simply replace our data with data sent to us by a customer. Can you instead simply let us know which airfields you believe are incorrect and in what way? Then we can ask the person responsible to investigate.

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