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Android 3.0.4 beta changelog

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I've downloaded yesterday evening, and tried to discover it in order to test the new capabilities.

So far, It's seems the focus has been made on charts enhancement, including terrain elevation colouring, protected area (bird sanctuaries) and perhaps the way NOTAM are displayed when navigating (not sure about that one). It seems a document browser is now also available.

Am I wrong? Have I missed a lot of things? A quick changelog would be nice Smile

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Sure, here are our notes:

Terrain colouring improved for mountainous areas, with higher resolution tiles available for the Alps (iOS, Android, PC)

Upper airways are now included in airways mode, merged visually with lower airways for clear display (iOS, Android, PC)

Joined cableway and power line obstructions are now depicted with much less clutter (iOS, Android, PC, Web)

A simpler airspeed-setting user interface has been introduced while there are no aircraft models defined (iOS, Android, PC)

The position instrument is now sensitive to being on the ground, and will give useful runway information (iOS, Android, PC)

Waypoint Tracking enables realtime updates of distance and bearing for arbitrary waypoints in the position instrument, available from the What’s Here menu (iOS, Android)

You can now change the heading and speed of the simulated aircraft by dragging on the end of the trajectory line (iOS, Android, PC)

User interface significantly reworked to be more intuitive with popups and hierarchical navigation (Android)

X-Plane connectivity introduced, for enhanced simulation and testing purposes (iOS, Android, PC)

SkyDemon now checks for updated charts in the background every few hours, and prompts to install them if necessary (iOS, Android, PC)

Help is now shown in the virtual radar window when Go Flying has been selected but the aircraft has not yet moved (iOS, Android, PC)

You can now swipe up and down on the zoom button to zoom in or out by one level (iOS, Android)

It is now possible to reset your password from the login screen (iOS)

SkyDemon now requires iOS 6 as a minimum and has been updated for the iOS 7 look and feel (iOS)

Network reachability determination improvements (iOS)

Document Browser is now available on Android (Android)

Document Browser is now available on iPhone (iOS)

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As an Android user, I must say that some of the changes are very welcome! Keep up the good work.
Henny Joosten
Henny Joosten
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Great work and improvement Tim!
Skydemon the best!!
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Hi Tim & SD Team

SD just gets better and better. A quick question. How do I access the document browser please?

SD For Android 3.0.4

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5608, SD

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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You should see it in the Plates window, if there are any plates showing. If not, open the Tools dropdown from the Plates window.
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Is a changelog available for today's beta?


Edited 4/24/2014 7:49:02 PM by MikeTwoOne
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The complete 3.0.6 changelog is below.

The new Wind Analysis feature makes it easy to determine which altitude is the optimal to fly a route (iOS, Android)

Vector plates are now opened automatically in the background when flying in their vicinity (iOS, PC)

Alerts are now displayed when entering the coverage area of a new Flight Information Service (iOS, Android, PC, Mobile)

There is now a Notes field for flight logs, allowing free text annotations for posterity (iOS, Android)

It is now possible to save custom data to the cloud from a PC, and load it on a device (iOS, Android, PC)

The Download AIP feature now has a Download All option (iOS, Android)

Terrain elevations in virtual radar are split into foreground (directly under your path) and background (maximum either side) (iOS, Android, PC)

There are now many more AIP plates which can be georeferenced, whose projections were previously incompatible with our own (iOS, PC)

It is now possible to change the labelling of airfields on the map so that the identifier is displayed instead of (or as well as) the name (iOS, Android, PC)

NOTAM for obstructions erected now show purple ICAO multiple-obstruction symbols on the map, and are easier to inspect (iOS, Android, PC, Mobile)

The Create Route window has been overhauled to make it more streamlined (iOS, Android)

The Wind instrument has been improved to show both headwind and crosswind component (iOS, Android, PC, Mobile)

Visual Reference Points with identifiers now have their identifiers included in flightplans (iOS, Android, PC)

There are now separate fields for other communications equipment and other navigation equipment in the aircraft editor (iOS, Android, PC)

Chart improvements: railways now have sleepers, hard runways are indicated in airfield symbol, urban areas and obstructions are much better at large scales (iOS, Android, PC, Mobile)

Roads and Railways are now individually selectable (iOS, Android, PC, Mobile)


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