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Take Off Distance Calculator

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Posts: 34, Visits: 129
Anyone else fancy a take off/landing distance calculator in SD? Most of ac, airfield and weather data is already there so only need to add ac specific performance distance data. Would be particularly useful for diversions - is nearest airfield long enough to get into - and out of!
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Posts: 3, Visits: 22
I would find an Take off / Landing calculator extremely useful, too!

Please integrate in SkyDemon!
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Posts: 31, Visits: 129

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
How do you envision this? Each aircraft has its own tables to calculate take-off distance as a function of weight, density altitude, wind and obstacle height.

-- Chris.
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Posts: 34, Visits: 129
SD already has ac weight, airfield pressure altitude, airfield temperature and w/v as well as runway slope and surface type. Add the (pretty simple) calculation or a look up table/database with the option to input variables ( eg. Surface condition)manually. In common with weight and balance data in SD the necessary ac specific data could be generated by the SD user community and shared.

Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Mikernav (26/10/2013)
SD already has ac weight, airfield pressure altitude, airfield temperature and w/v as well as runway slope and surface type. Add the (pretty simple) calculation or a look up table/database with the option to input variables ( eg. Surface condition)manually. In common with weight and balance data in SD the necessary ac specific data could be generated by the SD user community and shared.

I think this an excellent suggestion. Like weight and balance, it would provide the facility for those who want it, whilst taking the pressure off the developers to provide a universal benefit, not necessarily needed or wanted by all users.

Regards to all

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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
Sorry, but I simply don't see it. First off, users already have problems entering something comparatively simple such as w&b data. T/o distance data is much more complicated with many more variables such as flap setting, etc. Just look in POH's section for the t/o distance of a couple of different aircraft. They look vastly different, depend on different variables. If you have two engines, it's again a totally different game.

I did something like this once for the DA20 and it was pretty involved. I had to use flight testing data and do a 2D interpolation on several variables. Definitely not something which I would like to do again for different aircraft. And I doubt that many people would have the tools and know-how to do it for themselves. Heck, a lot of people have troubles getting simple w&b data to work in SD.

And then there is liability as well. I would not want to be in Tim's shoes when someone crashes and burns because the t/o didn't pan out even though SD said it would.

-- Chris.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Chris has summed up perfectly the various reasons we haven't done this.
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Posts: 34, Visits: 129
As a new by PPL with only Cessna152 experience I had only looked at the simple tables in that type's POH. Clearly other more complex types present bigger problems. I am not sure I buy the "liability" issue though, the splash screen clearly absolves SD of liability arising from use of SD. If it did not the Weight and Balance calculations would pose the same risk ax a t/o distance calculator

Thanks for debate anyway. Back to the paper tables !

Still think SD is a fantastic aid to safe GA flying!
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Obviousely calculating Take off and landing distance is no miracle at all as shown by the Iduna Fly app.
This is a very urgent feature for a lot of pilots not only those as me with a 400 m home base runway.
So this step would r‌eally improve SkyDemon!

Please integrate it!‌‌‌


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