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WIN 8 Nav Window Close Button

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Posts: 16, Visits: 1.8K
When the top windows close button (red x top right) is pressed in the GPS Navigation mode window - it, err, closes the window !!!!

But it also closes the whole application so losing your loaded route etc. That is very easily done by accident on a tablet and hugely inconvenient in flight

Is there anyway to prevent this?

Perhaps trap it in the same way the Print Centre windows are trapped. When closed they return you to the planning screen


Win8 Asus Vivotab running Win SkyDemon and Centrafuse Localizer for inbuilt GNSS (or Blutooth GPS Receiver)
Edited 7/28/2013 3:27:41 PM by Richardd55
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The "nav mode window" isn't another window at all. It's just SkyDemon in nav mode. And yes, if you press the close button, it will close the app! The only thing we could possibly do about this would be to introduce a potentially annoying confirmation dialog upon clicking the button.
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Posts: 16, Visits: 1.8K
Ah, I see.

Perhaps put that 'close' pop up on the team's 'to do' list if windows tablets increase in popularity for Navigation?

Flying left seat the tablet is most easily picked up by its top right corner and that's when the problem occurs. I have accidentally closed the App several times whilst in flight.

Thanks Tim

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Posts: 16, Visits: 1.8K

Happened again on 70nm leg 1 of 4 today

Just SO easily done

I'd take the potentially irritating pop up any time. Sorry

Mike McPherson
Mike McPherson
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Posts: 47, Visits: 141
can you not tell if the route is unsaved and only pop-up then?
but I would live with "are you sure?"

Mike McP G-BHLX SD 3.8.1 iPad retina

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Posts: 16, Visits: 1.8K
I think I know what you are saying mm - but it won't really help much to only have an 'Are You Sure' pop up when a route isn't saved

Even if the route is saved (most of mine are) it really is distracting and time consuming to reload it. Remember that Win SD isn't a WIN8 'APP' but the full original Windows program (application if you like) that is running in desktop mode. On a tablet, (with exception of the actual chart) the planning screen is not scaleable and you are restricted to tiny icons, buttons and text. In a light aircraft in gusty conditions while P1 it greatly adds to the workload to try and restart the program, locate and open your saved file, then get back from PLAN into NAV mode all while hoping you haven't lost your GPS link ...

AND .... That GPS link button that gets you from PLAN into NAV mode is perilously close to the red CLOSE window button. You could be there all day. lol

I can sympathise with the idea that the pop up might be irritating especially as (probably) the vast majority of SD NAV users are using ipad or Android APPS so are not interested in WIN SD NAV. They will only use the SD Planning element of the Windows version. But it really is an issue to the point of engendering very colourful language.

Anyway ... thanks for your support for that 'pop up' mm. I apologise if you knew all of the stuff I wrote but other people who are less informed might find it useful

Edited 8/5/2013 3:59:15 PM by Richardd55
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Posts: 48, Visits: 212
Your wish is our command. The next version of SkyDemon Plan will prompt before exit, but only while in navigation mode.
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