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Communication Skydemon to Irxon BT 578/Dynon autopilot

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 26
Skydemon v
Huawei Android tablet
I am having problems with a reliable connection between Skydemon to a BT578. Sometimes I get a reliable connection and get position info on my Dynon - plenty of green light flashing on the 578. Sometimes there is little to no green light indicators to show data is being transferred. Checks on Skydemon show the 578 is always connected. As it stands the connection is too unreliable to use with my autopilot. Any ideas out there as to what could be wrong? Up to now I have used a hard wired Aera 660 which has always worked well but I would rather a Skydemon connection.
As a further question, how frequently does transmit its position information?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 30, Visits: 67
rvmartin - 1/22/2025 6:22:47 PM
Skydemon v
Huawei Android tablet
I am having problems with a reliable connection between Skydemon to a BT578. Sometimes I get a reliable connection and get position info on my Dynon - plenty of green light flashing on the 578. Sometimes there is little to no green light indicators to show data is being transferred. Checks on Skydemon show the 578 is always connected. As it stands the connection is too unreliable to use with my autopilot. Any ideas out there as to what could be wrong? Up to now I have used a hard wired Aera 660 which has always worked well but I would rather a Skydemon connection.
As a further question, how frequently does transmit its position information?

Seems to me like huawei problem...


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