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Does "SkyDemon" also run in the Microsoft Flight Simulator "2024" too?

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Does "SkyDemon" also run in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 too?
Sky Demon has worked very well in the Flight Simulator 2020!
Can someone give me an answer?

Fabrizio Albonico
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 42
BZFursty13 - 11/23/2024 3:02:38 PM
Does "SkyDemon" also run in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 too?
Sky Demon has worked very well in the Flight Simulator 2020!
Can someone give me an answer?

Provided there's a plugin that correctly encodes/decodes GDL90 i see nothing that should stop it from working. I use XMapsy for MSFS2020, haven't had time and willingness to buy MSFS2024 but it _should_ be pretty much the same (I hope)

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

Fabrizio Albonico
Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)Too Much Forum (292 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Fabrizio Albonico - 11/25/2024 8:26:05 PM
BZFursty13 - 11/23/2024 3:02:38 PM
Does "SkyDemon" also run in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 too?
Sky Demon has worked very well in the Flight Simulator 2020!
Can someone give me an answer?

Provided there's a plugin that correctly encodes/decodes GDL90 i see nothing that should stop it from working. I use XMapsy for MSFS2020, haven't had time and willingness to buy MSFS2024 but it _should_ be pretty much the same (I hope)

EDIT: had the chance to try MSFS2024 and can confirm that XMAPSY still works as before; I do believe that other similar add-ons will still work as well.

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 0
BZFursty13 - 11/23/2024 3:02:38 PM
Does "SkyDemon" also run in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 too?
Sky Demon has worked very well in the Flight Simulator 2020!
Can someone give me an answer?

Hey - this latest build of fs2ff works well:


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