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Missing all CTR VFR reporting points in Switzerland and France

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 16
Hallo everybody,

I am using SkyDemon PC-based Planner for the first time in order to see if it matches its reputation when compared to other PC-based planning softwares.

I will soon fly VFR from France (Albertville LFKA)  to Switzerland (BASEL - LFSB) and I notice that the charts (or the database) don't consider the mandatory VFR reporting points a pilot must overfly or report when entering a controlled airspace.

This points are indicated on any official chart, including ICAO and JEPPESEN VFR.

Is there any option I still have to tick or does the database simply not include these fundamental points?

Some examples....

BERN CTR has the following reporting points: SB, RI, S, Z, H, HE, HW, W, E, SN, etc etc

BASEL CTR has:  S, WB, E, NE, EH, N, etc etc

I would be happy to read your reply / opinion on this.




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