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Inclusion of descent point during approach

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 0
Hi .when I am in approach, there should be an option which automatically shows the descent point (if the approach type chosen is long finals)..just like it currently shows the localiser extended line..this descent point can be calculated by taking into account the decent (approach) fpm (acc to chosen aircraft profile or to make it simpler a std value for any GA aircraft), the altitude, airfield elevation,  and distance from runway threshold (these values are already there in skydemon) .....this will help skydemon add a form of  pseudo glideslope in addition to the pseudo LLz which is already existing in form of HSI .
If possible, skydemon should also include a normal GS under psedo ILS option which monitors a pink line from the point of descent (approach ) to the runway threshold...


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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 567, Visits: 27K
There is already a pseudo ILS in SkyDemon. Its enabled in settings.

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