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Where to put PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) when filing flight plan

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When wanting to submit a flight plan, I cannot find out where to mention that I carry a PLB, which is required in some countries.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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meaworld - 4/16/2023 11:07:12 AM
When wanting to submit a flight plan, I cannot find out where to mention that I carry a PLB, which is required in some countries.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



My personal understanding is (not for reference): any emergency transmitter (being it either ELBA/ELT/PLB) should be entered to the same place: emergency radio field 19/R
For more specific details you may refer to the AIP of the specific country.

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Posts: 567, Visits: 27K
Adam Erchegyi - 4/16/2023 7:09:24 PM
meaworld - 4/16/2023 11:07:12 AM
When wanting to submit a flight plan, I cannot find out where to mention that I carry a PLB, which is required in some countries.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



My personal understanding is (not for reference): any emergency transmitter (being it either ELBA/ELT/PLB) should be entered to the same place: emergency radio field 19/R
For more specific details you may refer to the AIP of the specific country.

I’d be inclined to put it as a RMK in Field 18 As well. AIUI that bit gets distributed as part of the initial main message, whereas the SAR stuff doesn’t.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 95, Visits: 160
meaworld - 4/16/2023 11:07:12 AM
When wanting to submit a flight plan, I cannot find out where to mention that I carry a PLB, which is required in some countries.

Can someone point me in the right direction?



The PLB when is used on an aircraft should be classified and registered at the COSPAS as survival ELT (ELT(S) therefore is on the Flight Plan .
An ELT(S) (PLB) which is removable from an aircraft, stowed so as to facilitate its ready use in an emergency, and manually activated by survivors pilot and or passengers.
I have a PLB fix to a support in the cabin registered with hexadecimal code (same as the Transponder S) and one extra PLB in my life jacket registered at my name when I fly over the sea.
All PLB could be registered with the hexadecimal code, ask to the dealer.


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