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Request for Fuel burn display and print on plog

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 128, Visits: 959
Feature request: Could the estimated Fuel Burn(Taxi/Take off+cruise+landing) for a flight be displayed somewhere and shown on the Plog near the other fuel figures please?
This is useful for fuel planning for multiple flights i.e.min fuel required is fuel burn for each flight+ fuel required for last flight.
My fudge at the moment is to put the price of fuel at £1 per L, so that cost is fuel burn, you display the cost, so why not the fuel quantity as well?

Edited 7/20/2022 12:53:03 PM by Pete
Fabrizio Albonico
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Pete - 7/20/2022 12:40:32 PM
Feature request: Could the estimated Fuel Burn(Taxi/Take off+cruise+landing) for a flight be displayed somewhere and shown on the Plog near the other fuel figures please?
This is useful for fuel planning for multiple flights i.e.min fuel required is fuel burn for each flight+ fuel required for last flight.
My fudge at the moment is to put the price of fuel at £1 per L, so that cost is fuel burn, you display the cost, so why not the fuel quantity as well?

Not sure what you're trying to achieve, but there's a Fuel Burn column available in the PLOG.
Manual page 56:
Apologies if it's not what you're looking for.

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN


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