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Increasing User Data Storage

Daniel Biton
Daniel Biton
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 309
Good afternoon,

On an android tablet, when we tap Airfields on the right side of the screen, we have the possibility to use user documentations.

I have found these documents have to be stored in the main storage of the tablet:
Android > data > Aero.skydemon.skydemonadroid > files

It turns out this exact architecture also belongs to the Sdcard I have inserted in the tablet to increase the stored data.

I stored some pdf file in that directory of the sdcard.

Skydemon does not read these files on the sdcard, only in the directory belonging to the main storage of the tablet.

It would be very helpful to have skydemon reading both sides (the sdcard and the main storage) and it would be up to the end-user to

store only once his files, choosing either the main storage or his sdcard.




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