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Feature Idea

Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)Junior Member (19 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 8

Just wondered if it was possible to implement the following change: the idea being all information being displayed on one screen rather than having to navigate to various places to find information. The plog could be swiped up or down from the top to hide or display as needed and the Blue boxes below could be customised to show whatever required - like foreflight. Finally as others have mentioned the ability to write on the map/plates with an apple pencil would be of benefit for quickly writing down clearances, drawing circuits, holdings, taxi routes, clearances, descent points etc when time is sparse. The screenshot below is just a quick fix so could be implemented better than displayed, It’s just to give you an idea.

Edited 2/2/2022 4:01:36 PM by FPLS

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FPLS - 2/2/2022 12:39:38 PM

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