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Export fpl files and import in ForeFlight - Problems with User Waypoints

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Hi together. I have made the following observation.
I want to share my flight plans created in Skydemon with my friend. He is using ForeFlight. In principle, this should be simple via the export function (E-Mail, fpl file, import in FF)
When my colleague imports the fpl file into Foreflight, it does generate a generic user waypoint with a new generic name.

Example my user waypoint in Skydemon is called BERLI. My colleague also has BERLI as a user waypoint in Foreflight. After importing into Foreflight it now creates a new user waypoint BER01 instead of BERLI at exactly the same position. Fore him useless as he now has 2 userwaypoints at the exact same position. 
It seems that somehow there is problem when both, Skydemon and FF, have the same named user waypoints.

According to Foreflight Support, the Fpl files provided from Skydemon delivers the user waypoint names. i.e. it comes up as BER01 and not BERLI.
But when I check the e-mail, f.e in the flightplan file, there is no waypoint named BER01. There is BERLI as original in Skydemon.

Someone has an idea what the problem could be?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It isn't clear what format you're using for your export. Have you tried GPX format?

I do not believe any of the standard formats written by SkyDemon include waypoints as such, only the structure of your route. It's up to the receiving software to decide whether the turning points of your route coincide with waypoints or not.

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Tim Dawson - 4/27/2021 9:20:56 AM
It isn't clear what format you're using for your export. Have you tried GPX format?

I do not believe any of the standard formats written by SkyDemon include waypoints as such, only the structure of your route. It's up to the receiving software to decide whether the turning points of your route coincide with waypoints or not.

Hi TIm. No only the fpl file. FF does not support GPX. 
Honestly i would also be surprised as the GPX File contains the correct User Waypoint.
FF told him the fpl file is the problem
I have no way to test this fpl file with any other software.
Would it help if i send you the E-Mail ?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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FPL is a Garmin format, if I recall correctly. Our support for it is designed to help people get their SkyDemon routes into Garmin units and we wouldn't make any changes to our output based on another (non-Garmin) app's treatment of it.

GPX is designed for exchange of routes between apps from different providers, so is really the best solution here. It might be the best idea to encourage the provider of the other app to support it.

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Tim Dawson - 4/28/2021 9:23:13 AM
FPL is a Garmin format, if I recall correctly. Our support for it is designed to help people get their SkyDemon routes into Garmin units and we wouldn't make any changes to our output based on another (non-Garmin) app's treatment of it.

GPX is designed for exchange of routes between apps from different providers, so is really the best solution here. It might be the best idea to encourage the provider of the other app to support it.

Check my print-Screen please. a) is a print-screen of the pilot Log.html which contains 2 waypoints: MAU_NEW_TEST and SEMP_NEW_TEST    b) is the print-screen of the fpl file generated in the same export / E-Mail...Skydemon generates new waypoint names =  MAUN1 SEMP2

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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And? If you think there's something wrong with our implementation of the file format you'll need to prove specifics.
Edited 4/29/2021 8:59:31 AM by Tim Dawson
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Hmm Tim i don’t understand your reaction you cam see on this print screen the proofe This is the output of the Sky Demon original file

you can see on this proofe that the skydemon file does generate those waypoints name changes

But ok its ok for me Topic closed from my side
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I presume we generate those synthesized names because of a file-format limitation on their length, of five characters. This is not unusual for file formats designed for older built-in avionics. If you have knowledge of the file format that disputes this then we'll be happy to take a look at it of course.

As mentioned, it would be better to use a file format that is designed for the purpose.

Edited 4/30/2021 9:26:32 AM by Tim Dawson

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