Hi together. I have made the following observation.
I want to share my flight plans created in Skydemon with my friend. He is using ForeFlight. In principle, this should be simple via the export function (E-Mail, fpl file, import in FF)
When my colleague imports the fpl file into Foreflight, it does generate a generic user waypoint with a new generic name.
Example my user waypoint in Skydemon is called BERLI. My colleague also has BERLI as a user waypoint in Foreflight. After importing into Foreflight it now creates a new user waypoint BER01 instead of BERLI at exactly the same position. Fore him useless as he now has 2 userwaypoints at the exact same position.
It seems that somehow there is problem when both, Skydemon and FF, have the same named user waypoints.
According to Foreflight Support, the Fpl files provided from Skydemon delivers the user waypoint names. i.e. it comes up as BER01 and not BERLI.
But when I check the e-mail, f.e in the flightplan file, there is no waypoint named BER01. There is BERLI as original in Skydemon.
Someone has an idea what the problem could be?