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An additional way to check weather before your flight - Windy Flight Planner ๐Ÿ‘

An additional way to check weather before your flight - Windy Flight...
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Fergalt - 4/29/2021 2:23:13 PM
kaiserman - 4/29/2021 7:43:44 AM
177 - 4/24/2021 10:25:45 AM
You can now upload Skydemon's route (*.flightplan file) directly into Windy's plugin - Flight Planner:

It will show you vertical atmosphere cut based on ECMWF weather model:

I find this very interesting and useful. Thank you for this.
But how do I save my route into my computer as a file to then to be able to open it with the windy link you posted?

In SD, select ROUTE and then "Send by Email" to your own email. Download the .flightplan from the email and it can then be opened in Windy.

By the way, thanks to who posted the Windy link. It bridges the gap that exists with enroute weather in SD if you are not flying in the vicinity of an airport with a METAR or TAF. It is nice to have a full picture of weather for every point on your route, and this Windy tool provides that.

Thank you very much.
It worked fine.

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kaiserman - 4/29/2021 7:43:44 AM
177 - 4/24/2021 10:25:45 AM
You can now upload Skydemon's route (*.flightplan file) directly into Windy's plugin - Flight Planner:

It will show you vertical atmosphere cut based on ECMWF weather model:

I find this very interesting and useful. Thank you for this.
But how do I save my route into my computer as a file to then to be able to open it with the windy link you posted?

In SD, select ROUTE and then "Send by Email" to your own email. Download the .flightplan from the email and it can then be opened in Windy.

By the way, thanks to who posted the Windy link. It bridges the gap that exists with enroute weather in SD if you are not flying in the vicinity of an airport with a METAR or TAF. It is nice to have a full picture of weather for every point on your route, and this Windy tool provides that.

Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)Forum Member (27 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
177 - 4/24/2021 10:25:45 AM
You can now upload Skydemon's route (*.flightplan file) directly into Windy's plugin - Flight Planner:

It will show you vertical atmosphere cut based on ECMWF weather model:

I find this very interesting and useful. Thank you for this.
But how do I save my route into my computer as a file to then to be able to open it with the windy link you posted?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 72, Visits: 757
You can now upload Skydemon's route (*.flightplan file) directly into Windy's plugin - Flight Planner:

It will show you vertical atmosphere cut based on ECMWF weather model:

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