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Opening approach- and ground charts during flight

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 0
Hello everbody,

First of all, Skydemon runs great and the approach charts open automatically while approaching the airport (I have bought and downloaded the german DFS-Subscription) as shown below:

Related to this, I have two questions:
1. How do I open this approach chart "in the App", after I closed this view by clicking on the red "X"? Reopening the approach chart again as a pdf is no problem, but I want lay this approach chart in the active view with my own position.

2. Is it possible with Skydemon to add also the ground chart in the active view, as shown above with the approach chart? 
So far, I never started a flight on an airport with ground charts with Skydemon to check if this chart opens automatically. Also in this case I would like to know how I can "add" this chart to my active view and not only as a pdf.

I hope that I was clear enough! Thanks in advance and BR from Germany.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 568, Visits: 27K
If the chart is geo-referenced, it will be tagged with a a location ‘pin’ in the chart list. Touch that, rather than the description, and it will be overlaid on the main chart.

Some DFS ground charts are geo-referenced, some aren’t, as far as I can see.

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