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Regarding the new version

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The versions log states the following:

NEW: Briefing information for waypoints along the planned route is now easily accessible via the Briefing menu

Im guessing this is for the mobile, since im not able to find a briefing menu on the plan.

But im not able to find this under the briefing menu on the mobile either...
Im only getting the airfield plates for the ADs on the loaded route.



Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yes, "information" refers to plates for airfields and frequencies etc for radio navaids. Was there some other information you were expecting to see?
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Well as it says "information for waypoints along the planned route" i was thinking information for waypoints such as planned altitude, " turn 30deg port" or "decend to 2000 ft", maybe r-nav position, and so forth.

I guess the "along the planned route" made me think of all the other waypoints, not the dep/arr AD, wich usually are the only ADs on my routes. I usually don't fly overhead ADs enroute, but maybee thats just me. 

Dont get me wrong, the new info is very nice, i guess i just misunderstood.

Further, do you have any plans intigrating v-nav on the mobile? I wold love to see the vertical profile of the planned route in the radar window, and maybee get popups when reaching TOD / BOC. 

Thanks once more for a great product, and for the quick support here in the forum. We really like it when we are able to comment and make suggestions, even if all is not applicable.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's inconceivable that we wouldn't add vnav stuff to the Mobile product at some point, since all the required data is there. The only problem with the rather intuitive display you suggested is that the virtual radar view is showing what is actually ahead, whereas the planned vnav profile shows the exact route profile. These two will never precisely line up, and in many cases will be completely different. Just an interesting problem for us to solve, basically.
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I see what you mean. Diden't think of it that way.

Maybee one could use course deviation indicators on the outline of the map-window like the ones glass cockpits uses for ILS/GS indication? You know the arrows on the right and bottom showing deviation in the Lateral and Vertical plane?

Or maybe if the top of decend and bottom of climp points coudl be shown in the map Lateral view with a simple arros indicating climb or decend and the planned altitude as well?

I really don't know, but to be able to see the planned altitudes wold be usefull.



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Had the mobile software running Ok, now I have just loaded the new version and it tells me that SkyDemon is not a valid Windows CE application. Anyone else seen this? Any suggestions?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Sounds to me like something has gotten corrupted somewhere. It would be worth deleting the program files on the device and reinstalling SkyDemon Mobile from SkyDemon Plan, using the installer.
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Re-installed and all Ok, thanks.

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