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ADS-B data into Skydemon with a Raspberry Pi

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Everything you need to know is in the document you linked to above (for connectivity) and in the PowerFLARM manual (for protocol).

Don't underestimate my warning earlier though about the massive amounts of RF interference both the RasPi and the DVB-T dongle generate. Neither device belongs in an aircraft!
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OK its more than a RasPi would cost but PFLARM core with wifi connect to skydemon also displays Mode S and FLARM (gliders) traffic as well as ADS-B.

I find seeing the gliders the most useful.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK
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Posts: 24, Visits: 46
Hi all

I have this all working on a raspi adsb to skydemon, please contact me for details

moorel at ntlworld dot com


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Hallo Lee

I would be interested in some details.


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Posts: 24, Visits: 46
Hi Mike,

please take a look at


Edited 6/19/2015 11:09:01 AM by leemoore1966
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Posts: 164, Visits: 757
Hi Lee,


I visited your site, you only mentioned the availability for IOS, what about Android & SD


Edited 6/19/2015 3:37:04 PM by Mike@EDTG
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Posts: 16, Visits: 110
latest skydemon update improves menu navigation for FLARM input - good

changed aircraft icons from green to white - bad

now much less visible, same reason white aircraft are difficult to see!
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Posts: 21, Visits: 71
I have been testing a Raspberry Pi ADS-B set up using PIAWARE software, which feeds Sky Demon through the CollisionAwAre app on my mini IPad. The tests have been a success, both on the ground (in my car) and in the air. I flew yesterday and picked up an aircraft flying out of Oxford Kidlington 1,400 feet above me and in my 8 o'clock. I turned towards the contact and even though I knew where to look, I did not actually see the aircraft until it was with a couple of seconds away from me. As shown on Sky Demon, the twin was 1,400 feet above me, so I as able to watch it fly safely into the haze of the late afternoon. The Raspberry Pi view of this contact gave me at least 8 nm notice of the proximity of this aircraft. My GPS (installed on the Raspberry PI) worked fine and there was no interference over the intercom.

Edited 1/21/2016 2:44:06 PM by schweboo
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Posts: 21, Visits: 71
One thought - could we change the colour of the aircraft icons? White can be hard to spot? Also any chance of having different icons for different types of aircraft?
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Quite a few pilots have been testing this 'home-made' device successfully.

My experience has been positive, with the RPI linked to my GPS running Sky Demon on an IPAD mini (without a GPS chip) with no adverse impact on the aircraft's Garmin 430 GPS system or the GPS in my Iphone (with its own GPS chip) also running Sky Demon). With three different GPS systems running, I have been able to compare one with the other and have noticed no differences in performance. The position I have been getting from all three GPS devices has matched my ADF and what I could see with my eyes. The advance warning of an aircraft heading towards me that I got from the RPI device was astounding. I first saw the aircraft on Sky Demon at a range of around 8nm. I was able to actually see the aircraft when it less than half a mile away and it was at the relative altitude reported by Sky Demon (1400 ft above me). Had I not known where to look, I would not have seen the aircraft as early as I did.

I have also tried running my Ipad with the RPI device operational at home for hours without any interference. I have experimented using both a Dual GPS and a GPS dongle USB device plugged into the RPI. Both worked equally well with SkyDemon.

I had had some initial connectivity problems, but these were caused by me not following the Pilot AWARE instructions to the letter. Since realising the error of my ways, I have had no RPI (Pilot Aware)/Sky Demon connectivity problems.
Edited 2/1/2016 7:34:08 PM by schweboo

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