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Synthetic Vision

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Posts: 19, Visits: 119
Hi there,

I think Synthetic Vision would be a great idea for SkyDemon. I know some pilots won't want such a feature but it's the natural evolution of the product and probably, necessary to maintain market share against Garmin / ForeFlight. Having flown with FF in the US, I much prefer SD and think it's important for us to have a 'local' app developer for our aviation needs. I think we need this sooner rather than later to stop people trying it out on other products.

SD has far superior visuals across the board so SV would be an opportunity to really win some room ahead of the competition.

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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
SD is really useless as a navigation tool. Even worse, it is downright dangerous if you rely on it to stay clear of terrain. GPS position errors combined with the finite resolution of elevation data just makes it a really bad idea.

It mainly appeals to the video game affine generation.

-- Chris.
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Posts: 19, Visits: 119
Understanding the limitations of what we are working with, and the GPS annual probability of a significantly sufficient error, I think there is a place for CFIT reductions using SVT. Garmin, ForeFlight and so on now have this feature, so there is market acceptance. In fact, I'll go as far as to say, it WILL happen over time and the generations ahead of us WILL have it available. The video game generation will view technology at some point in the future with skepticism, much as yesterday's generation viewed VORs, GPS etc with skepticism.

Personally, give me solid state AHRS + GPS any day over spinning bits of metal in a cage (and I don't like computer games...)
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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
At the current level of technology, GPS accuracy and terrain elevation resolution and accuracy are simply not at the point where SV is a viable option. The only thing SV does well is look snazzy.

A lot of GPS and EFIS devices now offer SV. They do this because it looks good, not because it is a good idea. And looks sell.

Being Austrian, I fly a lot in and around the Alps. There have been many situations where SV would have gotten me into serious trouble. It simply is not fit as a terrain avoidance tool. And it certainly isn't fit as a good navigation tool either. In finding the right valley in a situation of low ceilings and low visibility I need a good overview of the situation for miles around me. Not an inaccurate representation of what I can see looking out the front window anyway. There simply is no scenario I can think of where SV would have been helpful to me flying VFR.

And no one flying IFR that I know uses SV either.

-- Chris.
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Posts: 18, Visits: 553
Android and iOS are not real operating systems for that kind of task. Powerful CPU is one thing but RAM and storage needed as well.
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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
I value synthetic vision low on the totem pole of "things to have" for a VFR (and currently also IFR) navigation system (see my previous post). But CPU power and memory of the iPad and most Android tablets is not the limitation.

-- Chris.
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Posts: 147, Visits: 2.1K

I second the idea that SV is not reliable enough to be of real help when having to fly in marginal conditions. I consider it's more dangerous than helpfull.

In the meantime, I like the way some tools are presenting elevation data as a colour-coded layer, making possible to have a bird view of the environment not only in front of the plane, but on a larger scale. It helps maintaining situation awareness and gives more chances to anticipate problems. To me, the existing terrain representation is far from providing such a view.
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Posts: 10, Visits: 2
Bump for this feature suggestion.

‌I do a lot of flying in the Pyrenees around LESU and having synthetic vision would be more useful for VFR situational awareness than a 2D map. I think everyone understands its limitations, but it does serve a purpose as a way of presenting data. 


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Posts: 72, Visits: 757
I really miss it from a Garmin Pilot.
Hopefully, it can be done in the future.

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It's been 7 years, actually, 10 since the same topic was raised in a different thread. And still nothing on the horizon? Foreflight and Garmin have it. Xavion has it. There is a plethora of mobile steady-state AHRS boxes out there, which can also pull traffic, weather etc. through ADS-B and display it on the EFB software (okay, weather only in the US). 
Only SD isn't doing this. I love SD. I think the way maps and airspaces are presented is hands-down the best. I love the ease of setting different altitudes for different legs. I love the airspace warnings in the planning stage. You can tell the others are Americans who really don't understand VFR flying in Europe ...
B U T - why can't we get SynVis?


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