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Planning browser version - performance bad, browser app is unusable,

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not sure if somebody else is using this feature but I find it too slow and I can;t move the map correctly. It moves erratically, zooms out automatically, does not update the graphics and so on. I use the Silverlight plugin - latest but seemingly not the greatest and tried Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

I'm using MAC OSX Mavericks - newest macbook so fast hardware.

Has anybody else experienced this on Mac's and does it run well on Windows 7?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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What you're seeing is not normal.
Aubrey Dawson
Aubrey Dawson
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I'm using Safari with Mavericks and whilst it's not as unstable as RobC reports, every time I switch browsing tabs in Safari then come back to the Sky Demon tab the plugin crashes and I have to reload it, most frustrating! The plugin also crashes whenever I try and import or export user waypoints. Any Suggestions?
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I tried it also with Safari - Mavericks. Perhaps it is problem of memory, I open only SD and it works well. The problem is that the Custom Data and User waypoints do not appear, so finally it cannot be really a substitute to the Windows version. This implies, in my opinion, that it is better for Mac users to use or a software like Parallels or the native Windows with the software included in the Mac (Bootcamp, less practical of course). In my case, I use Parallels and SD works fine, without any problem.
Aubrey Dawson
Aubrey Dawson
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Skydemon in Safari also won't print Enroute Charts or let me view logs I've saved to the cloud from previous flights. I've used the Windows version and it's great, I hope they develop a standalone Mac version.
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Posts: 20, Visits: 291
I have no proplems at all under window7. Performance is perfect.

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