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Crash on Android 4.4.2 / SD 3.0.3

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Sorry, not beta or suggestions related, but can't find a better place to post ...

Since version 3.0.3, I've had a lot (tens of) "silent crashes" when using SD on my 4.4.2 Nexus 7.
By "silent", I mean that the Android crash notification (the one which allows you to send a report) does not show. SD just disappears.

It happens when launching SD (mostly, sometimes 3 times in a row), when loading a route (sometimes) and when navigating too (real flight).
Unfortunately I can't find a way to clearly reproduce it. Note that I never encountered that with the previous versions. Never.

I know that such a "bug report" does not really help without a log or a clear step to reproduce, so my question is about the correct way to report it.
Is there a way to really help identifying this issue? A specific SD log I can find somewhere? Can a system log be helpfull?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The only other similar issue we've heard of was because someone had switched their Nexus 7 to use the new (and experimental) "ART" runtime under developer settings.

SkyDemon keeps its own crash log, but the crash may not make it there if the crash was bad enough that SkyDemon didn't have a chance to handle it itself. To really get to the bottom of it you could install the Android debugging tools, which would allow you to view the system log (logcat) on a connected PC in real time. We could do this for you, if you were to pop in to the SkyDemon office with your device, but I appreciate this may not be possible.
Edited 1/9/2014 12:54:33 PM by Tim Dawson
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Hi Tim,

Thanks for your proposal. Unfortunately, a direct route from my home to Skydemon headquarters is 380 Nm long, according to SD itself ;-)

To keep you informed: since my original post, I've made a lot of tests to try to reproduce this issue.
First, note that I'm not using ART runtime on my Nexus7. Stock ROM on a stock device, with quite stock options Smile

I've noticed something interesting. Crash occurrences are decreasing over time. I've discovered that because I was experiencing crashes lesser and lesser until I reinstalled SD from scratch.

After a fresh reinstall, SD crashed 5 ou 6 times in a row, before even being able to display the map of my location.
It eventually started but crashed again as soon as I tried to move the map to a "never displayed zone".

It makes me supposing that the crashes is perhaps linked to a map cache/rendering mechanism. I had several crashes since then, but always when trying to display a zone I did not displayed before.
Interestingly, it happens more often when selecting all Ground Features items to be shown.

Of course perhaps it's not a software issue. Perhaps my device is faulty, even if it was not happening with the previous SD versions (road names related ?).

I'll try to find time to root my device. This way at least, I'll be able to access to logs easily.

Meanwhile, keep up the good work!

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"Since version 3.0.3, I've had a lot (tens of) "silent crashes" when using SD on my 4.4.2 Nexus 7.
By "silent", I mean that the Android crash notification (the one which allows you to send a report) does not show. SD just disappears.

It happens when launching SD (mostly, sometimes 3 times in a row), when loading a route (sometimes) and when navigating too (real flight)."

I have the same problem with SD 3.0.3 on my 4.4.2 kitkat Nexus7. Full license, not trial version.


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I'm having the same problem on 4.4.2. Whenever I scroll the map SD closes. I have tried reinstalling. The first use after reinstalling works fine, but the crashes start again on subsequent starts of the app when scrolling.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I don't suppose any of you have the Android debugging tools installed on an attached PC and could therefore tell us what error (if any) is actually occurring? We want to help, but cannot reproduce the issue on any of our Android test devices in the office.
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Hi Tim,

I have the last Android SDK on my main PC but even if I have a quite good IT background, I'm not Android literate.
In case you can give me a link or some guidance (even a simple link), I'll be more than happy to help (since it still happen with the last beta, I'm afraid).

Edited 2/10/2014 7:21:34 PM by MikeTwoOne
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FYI, I've been able to connect to my Nexus 7 using ADB tools and I now have access to the application logs thru logcat.
I now just need to find some time to have Skydemon crashing and collect some hints (I hope !).

Stay tuned Smile

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yeah, logcat is definitely what you need to use. Android device monitor or DDMS both give you access to that log and hopefully whatever is going wrong will be spelled out in detail there.
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OK. Using DDMS, I've been able to collect some lines of log.

For each crash, I've saved a log file (SD_crashlog[1-4].txt).
I've only cleaned them in order to remove (very few) SD-unrelated lines.

I'm able to reproduce the crash on several devices.
Three of the logs are from a Nexus 7 2013, one from a Nexus 5 (just can't remember which number, sorry!).

To reproduce the issue, I had two options:
- delete all SD maps & reload them from scratch on the first launch. This way, SD can crashe up to 5 or 6 times in a row, just at startup.
- on a quite old install, it's as simple as doing a very fast drag of the map by "shaking" the finger on the screen.

Hope that helps!

SD (701 views, 13.00 KB)
Edited 2/12/2014 10:48:29 AM by MikeTwoOne

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