By suntorytimo - 5/23/2013 2:59:19 PM
Hi there,
Loving the product which I'm currently running on the ipad mini with a dual XGPS150. I have a couple of suggestions I would very much like to see implemented.
I find that when climbing, the profile view displays a very narrow band of information, it's very difficult to see what airspace is above you and it does not seem to be possible to drag on the profile display to view airspace at higher altitudes. I would very much like to see a larger profile view which shows a greater range of altitudes above your position, an option to increase the size of the profile view would be excellent.
Even when climbing I find the information displayed is very limited, I think about 2000' above is shown in the profile.
Additionally it would be a nice feature if alerts regarding airspace etc could remain displayed until manually cleared.
Thank you, and great job on all the work you have done.
By Richard747 - 6/14/2013 3:32:19 PM
I would like vertical profile that still shows terrain even when at a very high altitude. This may mean compressing the intermediate altitudes or expanding the vertical profile screen space. Thanks.