SkyDemon Forums

Weather Enroute

By westie - 8/15/2012 5:18:01 PM

Could someone tell me, whilst enroute, is there a way to get the WEATHER or NOTAM for an airport not presented in the METAR, TAF or NOTAM TABs - I'm using an IPAD2

Also I download PLATES and then they disappear - any ideas

I think I've read most info on here - any help gratefully received

Best - Westie
By knorren - 8/20/2012 12:25:13 PM

It is possible to get the weather for airports outside your planned.

Just click/point on the airport you want METAR/TAF (if available) for and then choose the airport and select Approach Information.

You then will get METAR/TAF and NOTAM for that airport.