By ahillyer - 7/30/2012 3:02:01 PM
Hi Tim,
i updated the charts last week, and there seems to be some changes specific to France.
All the microlight fields which were previously categorised as such, ie "XXX microlight site" and were displayed with an 'M' in a circle, have now been replaced with the standard "XXX airfield".
Unfortunately, the vast majority of microlight strips in France are private, and non-based aircraft are generally not welcome. It is not possible to distinguish between the 2 types now. This change only seems to apply to France; in Italy and Spain there are still the 2 different types displayed.
Second point; it seems that all the airfields previously categorised as "glider site" have disappeared.
Can this be resolved with another chart update ?
By Tim Dawson - 9/24/2012 3:27:01 PM
Thank you, I will report both those points to the person responsible.
The VFR routes you mentioned, which part of the AIP are they published in?