SkyDemon Forums

MGL Voyager Compatibility

By churchy - 5/23/2012 7:12:05 AM


MGL Voyager are becoming the glass cockpit of choice for many homebuilders (well, me). It's an open source operating system and accepts a wide range of files but the system requires separated chart and navidata files which are then overlaid. The SD chart and data files appear to be integrated into one file format. Have you considered (and do you have any objection in principle to) making SD planning data capable of being loaded onto MGL moving maps? I understand that the SD output track in .GPX format can be loaded onto MGL boxes, but it's not very efficient to have to pay for a Jeppensen database on the MGL box and then load a .GPX waypoint file designed from a separately maintained (and separately paid for) SkyDemon database.


By ckurz7000 - 1/16/2013 11:28:47 AM

I posted Tim's reply on the MGL user forum. It would be great if everybody interested in seeing MGL and SD work together to voice their opinion here as well as on the MGL forum. The corresponding thread there is:

-- Chris.