SkyDemon Forums

Skydemon export to .gpx from iPad ? Missing functionality ?

By Flylogical - 4/17/2012 1:16:26 PM


I just purchased Skydemon to evaluate alongside other iPad-based moving-map apps (Air Navigation Pro, Memory Map). A key requirement for me is to exchange routes in .gpx format between various apps and systems. As such, I was disappointed to discover that the "export via email" option within Skydemon on the iPad does not produce an email-attached .gpx file (only the legacy .flightplan format). This makes it impossible to migrate between apps on the iPad (I would have to go out to Skydemon on a PC, and convert the file there, then re-import etc -- i.e., a non-starter).

So, to the Skydemon developers:

1) Am I missing something in the settings which would enable the .gpx export via email from iPad (if so, apologies, please advise on how to enable) ?

2) If the functionality is indeed missing, may I request that you include it as soon as practical ?

3) In the meantime, can you email me the xslt transform so I may "roll my own" converter accordingly

Thanks in advance !
By Fardeau - 1/3/2020 6:03:34 PM

[b]ckurz7000 - 26/06/2012 15:42:51[/ b]
Voici mon message "moi aussi": j'adorerais voir exporter vers gpx sur l'ipad. Sans cela, ce n'est que la moitié du plaisir pour moi. Mon EFIS (MGL Voyager) peut importer des gpx. Je serais un campeur heureux si les deux ont échangé des informations.

- Chris.

Bonjour, moi aussi j'ai besoin d exporter mes navigation en gpx. 
Merci de le prendre en compte. G Fardeau