SkyDemon Forums

Flight timer

By Martin Bech - 2/19/2024 7:39:37 PM

In a Diamond DA40NG I have to transfer fuel from right to left. I have set a timer giving a remark every 30 minutes: fuel transfer. I would like a reminder 5 min after that saying: remember to stop fuel transfer. Is it possible to configure that? If fuel transfer is not stopped it could set unbalance in the aircraft.
By Martin Bech - 2/26/2024 4:13:34 PM

Adam Erchegyi - 2/26/2024 7:52:29 AM
Martin Bech - 2/26/2024 2:49:00 AM
Adam Erchegyi - 2/19/2024 8:03:01 PM
Martin Bech - 2/19/2024 7:39:37 PM
In a Diamond DA40NG I have to transfer fuel from right to left. I have set a timer giving a remark every 30 minutes: fuel transfer. I would like a reminder 5 min after that saying: remember to stop fuel transfer. Is it possible to configure that? If fuel transfer is not stopped it could set unbalance in the aircraft.

You can setup a persistent timer for the first in the G1000 as well. For the second: either keep you finger on the transfer switch till it's on or use the countdown function on the panel.

How can I setup a persistant timer in G1000 that repeat itself every 30 minutes? I can only use the countdown function.

first of all, read the manual of the avionics you fly.
It's available on the AUX/Utility page, called scheduler.

Thx Adam - just got my aircraft and digging my way into G1000 nxi. Issue solved!