SkyDemon Forums

Flights ex EGNS (Isle of Man) to UK: no link to submit GAR

By fruitloops101 - 6/20/2023 10:18:21 AM

When planning a flight departing Ronaldsway IOM (EGNS),  arriving at a non-designated airfield on the UK mainland, I do not get the expected "You need to notify the UK police about this flight, at least 12 hours in advance" warning.

I'm pretty sure a GAR is required in such circumstances?

Flights in the reverse direction (i.e. UK to the IOM) behave normally.
By DaveWhite - 6/29/2023 1:44:43 PM

fruitloops101 - 6/26/2023 9:14:30 AM
Tim Dawson - 6/26/2023 9:07:01 AM
I don't know the ins and outs of GAR rules. If you contact customer support, they'll be able to advise.

Thanks Tim. 
SD customer services confirmed no GAR required ex Ronaldsway to mainland UK.
The information on the IOM government web site which suggests the contrary is apparently out of date.

Unless your arrival airport has a Police Designation, the GAR Guidance document says you DO have to submit z GAR 12 hours in advance.  See Annex B.