SkyDemon Forums

Modifying leg properties on overlapping routes.

By RainerM - 8/5/2022 12:18:07 PM

When creating courses between two airports going and coming via the same route but in opposite directions,
the two routes are displayed overlapping in most parts of the routes.

When I then want to change e.g. route altitude, I first select the appropriate route.

However, I always have the problem that when I then click on one of the legs, always the top level leg details are opened for changing,
not the leg of the previous selected route.

Could you please take a look at this and open the leg details of the selected route, when clicked.
Thank you very much.
By Tim Dawson - 8/8/2022 10:33:56 AM

The way is to use virtual radar, as this always lays out your legs sequentially and them being on top of each other isn't a problem.