SkyDemon Forums

Definition for aircraft was different to the one in the library

By Gerhard66 - 7/1/2022 5:35:46 PM

Same issue here. Over the years I got used to this old bug and was too lazy to start a discussion here ;-)
iPad mini 5
iOS 15.4.1
SD 3.16.3

By Jyleuleu - 7/1/2022 8:03:12 PM

SD 3.16.3
IOS 15.5
Windows 10

I don’t have this issue.
When SD tells me that it will use the aircraft definition of the library, I just click ´OK’ and save the route without changing anything.
When I reopen the route, SD loads the new aircraft définition and don’t warn me anymore.

By Simon - 7/1/2022 2:53:32 PM

Win 11
SD -

I have updated the definition for an aircraft and then open a previously saved route that uses this aircraft. SD tells me that the definition has changed and it will use the one in the library. So far so good. I then make some changes to the route and re-save it. However, when I re-open it again in the future, without modifying the aircraft definition, it again tells me that aircraft definition has changed.
Q. How can you get a route to recognise and adopt the aircraft definition that is in the library so that you don't get the warning message each time you open the route?