SkyDemon Forums

Hide unwanted plates

By - 5/21/2020 5:41:58 PM

Hello, what do you think of having the option to hide plates we don't want or need? 
This could be done manually, the same way we can hide Notams. SD would then have to take this into account and only automatically show the plates that have not been hidden. Also, if SD cash figure this out, it could automatically hide HEL approach and departure charts depending on the aircraft we have selected. Furthermore, once we have drawn a track, SD could adapt what we see to automatically show us approach plates when the landing leg is activated or departure when the departing leg is activated. And also, could it be possible, that when approaching an airport for which both an area and a visual approach charts are available, that a window pops up with only these two options that we could simply chose from?
Thanks again for a great app!
Cheers, Alexis
By logo - 7/14/2020 12:54:45 PM

I have been using Skydemon for IFR flights for a few weeks now.

It would be helpful if I could select just one STAR, approach and one SID (chart + SID text) and have a button on the right side of the screen (like for notams, weather, radio and airports) were I can slide the chart into view.

Consider an IFR training flight A-B-C. At airport B we start with a STAR or RNAV transition, fly the approach and use a SID for departure.
Most approach charts are geo-referenced. Most SIDs and STARs aren't.
So, I can see the approach easily, but if I need to review the transition or SID, I have to open the PDF file from the airports tab.
It is feasible to switch apps in Android, but Skydemon on my device opens the PDF file in the external viewer BUT I can not switch back to Skydemon without closing the PDF again.
During climbout I have to be heads down to open the airports tab, (sometimes with the wrong airport open by default) select "Instrument Plates", dig through the list (check EDWE - the Y and Z approaches are mixed up) and select the proper SID. Probably not the smartest thing to do at low altitude.

If I could populate buttons for STAR, Approach and SID I could just quickly switch back and forth as required - especially if the charts would open directly in Skydemon without third party apps.